Page 41 of Bite of the Vampire

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"Possibly. I don't know what this Shirley Welsh looks like."

"She has similar features to me, same build, same age, same hair color, but not the same eye color. She's also not a vampire, and if you had seen her through a tinted window, did you really see what you thought you had seen? Especially if they had knocked you out pretty quickly like she said they had to keep you from calling any of us to tell us you were in trouble," Eleanor said.


Eleanor pulled a phone out of her pocket and brought up a photo of Shirley. "Is this the woman you could have seen in the car?"

William's eyes grew big.

"Well?" Levka asked.

Stasio thought the whole story sounded pretty wild. Then again, if it was true, then it sounded like someone else could be a traitor in their midst.

"It could have been her in the car. She looks a lot like you," William said.

"Thank you." Eleanor handed her phone to Scotty. "I'm sure you can learn who talked to me and when."

Scotty texted some more on his phone. Then he took her phone and Stasio knew he would look into it and determine the truth. Then he was texting on his phone again.

“Okay, I’m having Lawrence picked up for questioning.” Scotty eyed Eleanor. “Are you ready to fight some elders?”

She smiled. “Yeah, I am.”

“Me too,” William said.

Scotty looked at Levka and his friends.

"Yeah, we are ready," Levka said.

“Beam me up, Scotty,” Ruric said. “I’m ready.”

Then Scotty was going to tell them where they could meet others to help in the effort. But Eleanor said, "I want to stay with Levka and his group, and I swear I came to help rescue William."

"I'm good with her going with us," William said. "And after they rescued me, I want to work with them."

"We need a group going after Accardi. It's said that he had slipped back into his estate," Scotty said. "If one of you can lead this group, I have to return to help another against three other elders."

"How do you feel it's going?" Levka asked.

That's just what Stasio had wanted to know. He reached over and squeezed Jasmine's hand to see if she was fine with going with them still. She squeezed his hand and nodded.

"We've taken down two of the elders and some of their main supporters. But we have ten more to go," Scotty said, "so I'm afraid it's only the beginning of the war."

A protracted long-term fight wasn't good. Stasio didn't like the sound of that. Unless Scotty and his people could get more support, they might very well be in a losing battle.

Scotty gave them the directions and Eleanor sighed. "That's a massive estate."

"Yeah," William said, “and I’ve heard it has secret safe rooms underneath the main house.”

"As soon as I can, I'll send more support your way. He's a big one. We can't give him time to get reinforcements to his cause," Scotty said.

"Alright, let's go," Levka said.

Stasio smiled. Even though William and Eleanor were from here, Levka was already taking charge.

Once Scotty wished them well and left, Gareth said, "This doesn't sound good."

"No, I agree," Levka said. "It's up to all of us to decide for ourselves if we want to continue in this direction. If Caitlin doesn't want to go, I'm out."
