Page 58 of Bite of the Vampire

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Arman had seemed unsettled, though the place had been really nice, and they needed this break from running. For now, they had no plans to overturn the Welsh League, though the princes would have loved to get their castles back and to change their status in Wales and remove themselves from the rogue list there.

Caitlin had enrolled in advanced witch’s spells and potions and was having a ball taking the classes online and continuing to use anyone in their little group who was willing to serve as her guinea pigs to practice on.

Surprisingly, none of the other leagues seemed to be bothered by what had happened in Scotland. Stasio wondered if they were making any changes to their own rules though so no one would want to overthrow them, or if they just figured no rebel cause would ever disrupt the old way of doing things in their territories.

Most of all Stasio was glad he’d met Jasmine when she’d planned to eliminate his cousin and that that hadn’t gone down. Dating her had been the best thing ever for him. She was sassy, spirited, had a mind of her own, and was just perfect for him. Thankfully, she felt the same way about him, or he would have been totally lost.

* * *

Dressed in swimsuits,Jasmine took hold of Stasio hand and led him out to the swimming pool that warm summer’s night. Levka and Caitlin were swimming, the full moon sitting high in the sky. Arman, Ruric, and Gareth were relaxing poolside having sodas.

Jasmine was so glad she’d stuck it out by Stasio’s side, and his friends’ too. He was really the perfect guy for her, opening her mind to other possibilities when she had been reluctant to see that the league rules could be so wrong about vampires and their motivations, to see a different viewpoint. She loved how he was always there for her even when she tried to act all tough—not totally an act—but he hadn’t been buying it and it tickled her. He had babied her when she had been injured during the one fight until she had healed perfectly, and she couldn’t have helped enjoying the way he was with her. She was attracted to good love like the kind he offered her.

Not to mention she also had ended up with so many good friends out of the deal, who were loyal to the core to her and to each other. She’d never had that in her life, and she couldn’t have been more pleased. In addition, Scotty had set her up to be a member of the Scottish League’s assassin group to take down genuinely evil rogue vampires while they lived in Scotland. She’d made sure the new guidelines showed exactly why the rogue needed to be terminated—with proof in triplicate. She felt right at home here.

Jasmine and Stasio both dove into the water and then surfaced, gravitating toward each other. “You know, I think I’m falling a little bit in love with you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Just awee, little bit.”

He smiled at her and encircled his arms around her waist. “I feel the same way about you. I heard you turned down an assignment tonight to terminate a rogue.”

“That’s because I wanted to be here with you tonight with all our friends.”

“You know how that makes me feel.”

“Right, because you know me and any attempt to take down a rogue, I take it.”

“Yeah, that’s how I know you love me.”

She laughed and kissed him. “Yeah, just a little bit.”
