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“What about your cabin trip?” Roxie asked, sounding concerned.

Kayla finished her meal and began to clear away the dishes. “Whatcabin trip?” She turned and frowned at Roxie.

“Oh, uh, sorry. I wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

Kayla’s mouth dropped. Now she really felt bad for making Nate feel that way.

“It’s, uh, a birthday surprise, and well, I thought Nate would have told you by now. Anyway, Nicole wanted to make sure we had everything covered at work because she didn’t want Nate to learn you couldn’t do it. I don’t know why he hasn’t asked you yet.” Roxie got busy wiping down the counters as if she felt bad that she had given away the surprise.

Kayla tucked a curl of hair behind her ear. “Maybe he’s having second thoughts about it.”

“No.” Then Roxie frowned at her. “You’re not doing anything that would make him reluctant to ask you, are you?”

“No. Of course not. I don’t think so anyway. I wish you hadn’t told me. What if he doesn’t ask me?”

“I’ll tell you what. If he doesn’t, I’ll go with you and make sure Jake knows we’re renting the cabin in lieu of Nate doing it.”

“You don’t want to.”

“Yeah, I do. Ever since Nicole mentioned it, I’ve been jealous of the two of you for getting to do that. So if he can’t make it—for a perfectly goodreason—we’ll drive out there instead. Who knows? Maybe he’ll make it to the cabin later, and you and he can spend some quality time together and I’ll return home.”

“No. If you come with me, then we’re there together. If he comes later, he can be there—with the two of us.”

Roxie smiled. “I think I’m rubbing off on you. That’s not a good thing.”

“Ha. I’ve always wanted to be more like you. Surer of myself. More…outgoing.”

“Everyone loves you just the way you are. Especially Nate.”

A week at a cabin? Kayla smiled. She couldn’t believe it, but she was thrilled. Maybe she’d just skip her Fourth of July plans to ask him to mate her and do it at the cabin instead. Then they’d have their whole week to celebrate their new life together. Unless that’s what he planned to do with her. She just hoped he didn’t cancel on her!

The next morning, Kayla—worried Nate might not show up—forced herself not to be excited about him coming to breakfast, though she’d had a devil of a time trying to figure out what to wear today. If it had been a “normal” day, she wouldn’t have been so indecisive. And she’d straightened up the housethree times already. She was trying not to let Roxie see her fussing so much over things, but her sister knew. As wolves, they really couldn’t get away with much without the other knowing, especially when they were also quadruplets. She was just glad Blake and Landon weren’t living here any longer or she figured they’d give Nate a talking-to.

She was still fixing a special omelet for her and Roxie—buttery mushrooms and crumbly feta cheese—and one for Nate, whether he could make it or not. Hmm, this was going to be good.

But then Nate arrived early, and she was so thrilled to see him. She couldn’t help it. He just brightened her day. Before she could throw herself at him—which she was really trying hard to hold back from doing—he took her in his arms and hugged her soundly. “I’m so sorry about dinner last night. Nicole gave me hell over it.”

Kayla chuckled. “I love your sister.” She hugged him back, and they kissed—tenderly, then openmouthed, tongues caressing.

Then she heard Roxie dishing up the omelets.

“Are you ready to eat?” Kayla asked Nate as she got him a cup of coffee.

“Yeah. Thanks so much for having me over for breakfast.”

“I’m glad you’re here. So what’s the case you’re working on?” Kayla asked as they took their seats at the kitchen table.

Nate told Kayla and Roxie about the missing person’s case he was still looking into.

“Do you think he’s really in trouble?” Kayla hadn’t thought Nate had cases that could be that dangerous. She could see why he had been focused on the job and had canceled on her for dinner.

“He could be. His parents never called the police when he disappeared before, for one thing. And for another, they were concerned enough to hire me. I believe their gut instinct is that he’s in trouble. I’ve got to interview a bunch of people who knew Phil today to learn what they know about his going missing.”

“What do you think happened?” Roxie asked.

“I don’t know for sure. He’s not a young kid, and no one’s come forward to say they saw something related to him that would indicate he was in trouble. I’m hoping I can learn something about his last movements—like who saw him before he vanished—and get to the truth.”

“I hope you find him safe and sound,” Kayla said.
