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He leaned over and kissed her mouth, and she enjoyed the sweet, tangy flavor of tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice, and sugar from the rim of the glass on his lips. “Hmm, you taste so sweet. Are you ready to run as wolves?”

“You bet.” Then she and he grabbed their empty drink glasses, dry bathing suits, and beach towels and went inside. They left their bathing suits and towels in the bedroom and took their glasses into the kitchen. She kissed him, and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

She kissed him again, and then they quickly stripped out of their clothes, shifted, and raced out the wolf door and into the night.

The sound of the river drew them, and they ran that way, reaching the bank finally, and sprinted intothe water. Wearing their fur coats, they stayed warm despite the chillier temperature. Their outer guard hairs were wet, but the rest of them stayed dry.

This was so much fun with Nate. Kayla couldn’t believe they were mated now. He nipped at her, and she nipped back at him. They were having a great time.

She howled, and he howled too. They were alone out here, or other wolves would have howled in greeting.

They licked each other’s faces, and she rubbed against him, loving being wolves. She still couldn’t believe they were actually mated, and she couldn’t be any happier. This was one change she’d been completely ready for.

“Hmm, I could lie in bed with you all the rest of the day, but I’m hungry,” Kayla said, waking up in Nate’s arms early the next morning. She rolled over to rest her chin on his naked chest and smiled at him.

He stroked her hair and smiled back at her. “I was feeling the same way. It’s our vacation, and we can stay in bed or play in the water or run as wolves—whatever you want to do.”

She sighed. “I want to eat.”

He laughed. “Okay, food it is. We need our strength too.”

But they didn’t move from their relaxed state, her arm draped over his abdomen and her cheek against his chest. This was just too nice.

“Man, this is going to be a lazy second day here.” Nate kissed the top of her head.

“I know. Isn’t it great? I didn’t realize how stressed I was until I came here with you and just relaxed, putting aside all the work issues.”

“I know what you mean. Besides, we’re going to be up late doing a wolf run, so it didn’t hurt to stay in bed a little longer this morning.” He moved the cover aside, and she and he climbed out of bed.

She pulled on a pair of black, lacy panties and fastened the matching bra while he slipped on some boxer briefs and then they headed for the kitchen.

“This is something I normally don’t do. Cook in my underwear,” she said.

He smiled. “I do. I like the look on you.”

“Huh. You’re pretty provocative.” The way his boxer briefs hugged his package and his toned butt was impressive. “That’s something I didn’t know about you.”

He pulled out a frying pan, and she got the sausages out of the fridge. He put the sausages into the pan. “When you stayed overnight at my place, we were in a rush to get dressed and go to work the next morning. Now you can see me on my days off just like this.”

“I like the look.” She kissed his bare shoulder. “Just be careful about splattering grease.”

He pulled out a grease cover to place on top of the frying pan. “Have it covered.”

She smiled and began making the pancakes. “I can’t believe the fridge and pantry are so well stocked.”

“Yeah. Everyone contributes. Whatever we don’t use that isn’t perishable, we’ll just leave here for whoever stays here next. Though I brought a lot of the more perishable items to use during the week. Some staples are always stocked at the cabins.”

They finished making their pancakes, sausages, coffee, and tea and sat down to eat.

“I thought since it’s cooler this morning, we’d go on our hike first thing along Wolf Run Trail and see the two Silver Waterfalls that way. It’s a five-hour hike round trip. We’ll have a snack along the way and then enjoy both falls. Afterward, we’ll hike back in time to have lunch at the cabin, then go swimming during the heat of the day.” Nate started cutting into his pancakes.

“That sounds great. And then we can nap.” She smiled at him and forked up one of her sausages.

“Or do other stuff.”

She laughed. “I’m all for doing the other stuff most of all.”

Wolves could travel around thirty miles a day, so she was enjoying the hikes as a human and taking runs as wolves and swimming too. Working at thelodge meant she didn’t get as much exercise as she’d like to sometimes.
