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But then she heard Blake shouting, “We’re coming!”

Oh, God, yes! He’d be armed with a gun, but she was afraid someone could start shooting back at him.

A wolf howled, closer to them.

Landon shouted, “On my way!”

Kayla howled again, but whoever was walking through the woods wasn’t moving now.

“Yeah, they’re in trouble again. I swear it follows them everywhere,” Blake said on his phone, his breath short as he was running through the woods.

Hopefully, he was talking to Peter, and the sheriff was getting the troops together.

In the meantime, she and Nate were protecting the jewelry, even though she knew Nate wanted to check out who had been in the woods. Even if it hadn’t been anyone with evil intentions, she and Nate had to get the jewelry into the sheriff’s hands.

They twisted their ears this way and that, hearing movement all through the woods, and they were watching, looking for whoever was making the noise. Then she saw Roxie running toward them as a wolf. No! Kayla didn’t want her out here!

Finally, Blake and Landon raced to reach them. “We’ll take it from here,” Landon told Nate and Kayla.

That’s when four men came through the woods, guns raised, pointing at them. Everest, Gerald, Randy, and Phil. “You can hand that over now,” Everest said. “Thanks for finding that for us.”

“You really don’t want to do this,” Landon said.

“Yeah, we do,” Everest said.

“No one’s going to let you get away with it. Not this time,” Peter said, coming from behind Everest and his friends. “Drop the guns, now!”

Kayla was barely breathing, worried the men would whip around and shoot Peter and the other men with him.

“You’re outgunned!” another man said, and Kayla realized Darien was here himself.

Their pack leader. She loved him.

“Drop them now!” Jake said.

Then she saw at least a dozen men surrounding the robbers. All the Silver brothers and cousins—Darien, Jake, Tom, Brett, CJ, and Eric. She realized they’d come for the Fourth of July party. Everyone was here—even all the deputized wolves and a half-dozen former military special forces soldiers who had retired from the armed forces and were now living here and part of the pack. They had this covered.

Everest finally dropped his gun, and the others dropped theirs. Peter and his deputies quickly handcuffed the men.

Everest shrugged. “My dad will get me off. He always does.”

“How did you know the jewelry was here? Why didn’t you come for it before this?” Peter asked.

“We’re not saying anything,” Everest said.

“That’s all right. We’ll learn the truth before long.” Peter had them searched for weapons and drugs, and CJ smiled and waved a piece of paper at them.

“Looks like a map,” CJ said. “A treasure map. Written by Manning? And a key ring with a skullon it that looks suspiciously like Manning’s. Phil had both on him.”

“We’ll have handwriting experts determine the truth and verify those are Manning’s keys,” Peter said. “We’ll take care of these men, and then we’ll see you at the party.”

“Thanks,” Landon said.

“Yeah,” Blake said. “Looks like our sister and brother-in-law are getting another reward.”

Nate licked Kayla’s face, and she nuzzled him, and then they did the same with Roxie. The three of them raced off, Roxie hurrying to stay up with Kayla. Sure enough, as soon as they reached the front door of their home, the two of them wriggled in at the same time. Some things would never change.

At the party, Peter toasted Kayla and Nate for being supersleuths and uncovering another bag of stolen jewelry. “Gerald’s uncle and the rest of them are being questioned as we speak. Though from what I learned, Everest’s dad has told him to turn on his friends sohe’llget a lighter sentence. The two women were also questioned, and it turns out their role in this was to provide alibis for the men. They weren’t involved in the robberies or murder, but just the cover-ups. Also, the insurance companywill be paying the reward to you and Kayla for the stolen jewelry.”
