Page 12 of Saving Daddy

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“Also, do as he tells you. Or you might find yourself getting that spanking you deserve.”

Good Lord.


Hack pulled up outside the diner.

What the fuck was Sav doing letting his sister travel in his weather? On her own? And all the way from freaking Georgia?

It sounded like she needed some closer watching.

None of my business. She’s not my sub or Little. And she doesn’t need me scolding her.

Although Sav had told him that he was in charge of her. Hack wondered how Greer would feel about that.

Stopping just inside the diner, he glanced around. It was nearly empty. A trucker over in one corner. An old guy at the counter.

And a woman with dark-blond hair pulled back into a ponytail who was huddled in a booth. He frowned. He didn’t like the way she was hunched in on herself . . . as though she was scared.

Glancing around, he took in the other people. Had someone threatened her?

This had to be Greer, right? He glanced down at the picture that Sav had sent him.

Hmm . . . it didn’t really look anything like her. Of course, it was obvious the photo was old. Really old. Why would he send an image of her as an awkward teenager?

He looked through his text messages once again.


Hey man, Duke said you’re headed home from Minneapolis.


Yep. Thought I’d travel a bit before getting a hotel room when the storm starts to hit. Why?


Need a favor. My sister is stuck in a roadside diner about 45 min out of Sioux Falls. Her car broke down. And she’s scared of snow storms.


And you let her visit you at this time of year?


Didn’t know she was coming. Can you get her and take her with you to a hotel?


Of course. Send the details.


Thanks. Take care of Greer. She’s fragile in a lot of ways. And if you do anything to hurt her, I will have to hunt you down and kill you. No offense.

Yeah.He shook his head. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Sav. He did.

But as if he’d do anything to hurt this girl.
