Page 127 of Saving Daddy

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“So, if you’re so reasonable, you’d be willing to scrap that rule about a bedtime, then? Right?”

“Absolutely not.” His grin widened as she gave him a disgruntled look.

“So you’re notthatreasonable.”

“When it comes to your health, I’ll probably be fairly overbearing.”

“Fairly overbearing? That’s a way to put it.”

“A donut is acceptable once in a while, but if you wanted one every day for dinner, well, that wouldn’t be allowed in Daddy Hack World.”

“Daddy Hack World, huh? DHW has a good ring to it.”

“I like it.”

She swallowed. “You know . . . you haven’t eaten yet. Maybe I should feed you to make sure you eat.” She turned and grabbed his burger. “Open up for the choo-choo train.”

“Oh, you brat. That is not the way it works.” She pressed the burger to his mouth, giggling as it smooshed up against his lips. “Oopsie.”

His eyebrows rose. Was she slipping into Little headspace?

“Brat, did you just get that all over my beard?”

She giggled. “Sorry. My bad. I’ll clean you up.” She tried to get off his lap, but he just stood while holding her against him. She wrapped her legs around him with a squeal. She still had the burger in her uninjured hand.

He carried her into the bathroom, setting her down on the counter as he took in the mess on his face in the mirror.

“Oh, you’re trouble.”

“Who me? I’m a good girl.”

He grunted. “Look at the mess you made of Daddy.”

He was testing the waters. Was it too much? Was she going to pull back?

She sucked in a breath and grew stiff. He couldn’t let her think for too long.

“I ought to send you to stand in the corner for five minutes.”

“What? No! You can’t do that.”

“That’s what naughty girls get. A swat on their bottom and sent to the corner.”

“I wasn’t that naughty, though, right? I’m a good girl?”

“Of course you are. You’re a very good girl. But you shouldn’t mess with a man’s beard.” He washed his mouth and beard.

“I’s sorry. Let me? Greer will clean you up.”

“All right.” He handed her the facecloth. “I think that’s a good idea. Little girls should always clean up any sort of mess they make.” And it got her used to touching him, which was important.

Plus, he liked when she touched him.

She flushed pink as he spoke, her hand shaking slightly. Was it too much?

But she finished cleaning him up without hesitation. “There. All pretty. Well, you could use some glitter.”

“Normally, glitter makes everything better. However, I’m still finding glitter in places that glitter should never be.”
