Page 141 of Saving Daddy

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That was the problem. She didn’t think she knew how to have faith anymore.

“I want to kiss you. Do you want to kiss me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

His lips descended. One hand moved to the back of her neck, holding her to him but not trapping her.

Her insides melted. This was like no kiss she’d ever experienced. With a whimper, she clung to him, wanting more. He slid his leg between hers and cupped her ass with his hand, pushing her against him.

Oh, hell.

More, she wanted more. She wanted him.

“You taste so delicious, baby girl. I cannot wait to fucking touch you, to taste you all over.”

She tensed.

Panic flooded through her.

Her heart raced as she pushed back from him.

“Red!” She managed to get the word out between her gasps for breath.

It was probably unnecessary to use her safeword since he’d already let go of her. But it had taken her a moment to notice that she was free.

Shit. Fuck.

Tears streamed down her face as she looked up into his tortured face. “I’m so s-sorry.”

“Baby, you don’t need to be sorry. I’m the one who pushed too hard. Did I make you feel unsafe? Did I scare you?”

“I . . . I . . .” She knew that she should be braver. Tell him what was wrong.

She owed him that much.

Here was this gorgeous, intelligent, caring man who wanted her. And the first time he kissed her, she said her safeword.

He had to think she was insane.

Well, better he found out now. Before things went any further.

God, she was going to miss him.

“I’m s-sorry.” Turning, she ran off.

Coward. Coward. Coward.

Hack stood there,staring at where she’d left.

How the fuck had that gone so badly?

Probably because you pushed her too fast, too soon, asshole.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What had he been thinking? Of course she’d freaked out. He’d just claimed ownership of her after knowing her for what . . . a week?

Yep. Way to go. This was a new record for him. Usually, it took him at least a month to run a woman off.
