Page 168 of Saving Daddy

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Why couldn’t she breathe? Her hands were shaking, and she was sweating even though she wasn’t really wearing enough layers for the cold day.

“Hey, why don’t you shut the hell up, asshole!”

Greer glanced over in shock to find Bonnie striding toward her. She was wearing a large, pink puffer jacket and a white woolen hat on her head. And there was a determined look on her face as she glared at the other driver.

“Why don’t you shut up, bitch!” he snarled back at Bonnie. “No one asked for your opinion, you little cow.”

Whoa. This guy was nasty.

It helped claw back some of her panic. Bonnie might need some back-up, and while Greer was pretty much a wimp, she wasn’t going to let this jerk hurt the other woman.

“No, I’m not going to shut up, you dickhead. Why don’t you stop yelling!”

“I’ll yell if I want to yell. This idiot backed into my car and now she needs to pay. But the dumb bitch won’t fucking talk. Now, why don’t you get out of my face, cunt.”

Suddenly, Titus appeared behind Bonnie. He was so tall that he could glare at the asshole over the top of Bonnie’s head.

The guy saw him standing there and visibly gulped, taking a step back.

“You want to repeat what you just said?” Titus asked in a low demand.

“I . . . I . . . this has nothing to do with you, man. This is between me and her.” He nodded at Greer.

Titus turned to look at her calmly. Having him here gave her the confidence to speak up.

“I . . . I backed into h-him,” she said.

“See? She admits to being in the wrong.”

“She’s not admitting to shit, jerkface,” Bonnie said. “You’ve intimidated her.”

“She damaged my car! I could sue for trauma. I feel like I’ve suffered an injury to my neck.”

By now, a large crowd had formed and there were cars starting to back up.

Crap. She hated this. She wanted to cry. And hide.

Be brave.

“Show me the damage,” Titus said. He moved to look at the guy’s car, then Aidan’s SUV. “Can’t see anything.”

“Yeah . . . well . . . it’s here.” The guy pointed at a line on his car.

Titus wiped it with his finger. “It’s dirt.”

The jerk in the suit went bright red as people around them started to laugh.

“It could have been a scratch.”

“But it’s not. And you’re making a dick of yourself. You go around screaming at women a lot?” Bonnie asked. “Because maybe we’ll have to do some research into you. I bet there are some old girlfriends willing to lay complaints about you if we provide the right incentive.” Bonnie’s voice was low, clearly threatening.

The guy grew pale. Whoa, she was good. Also, where did this darker side come from? She’d seemed so sweet and kind before.

“Why don’t I let this drop?” he said, returning to his car.

“Wise idea,” Bonnie said. “Have a nice day!”

Greer blinked at her. Had she gone from threatening that asshole to telling him to have a good day? What was going on right now?
