Page 210 of Saving Daddy

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“You’re going to brush my teeth?”



“Because you need to learn that when I say I’m in charge, I mean it. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.”

Right. Holy heck.

She opened her mouth. Letting him brush her teeth was a very strange sort of experience. It made her feel taken care of. Cherished.

When he was finished, he lifted her down and led her into the bedroom and over to the bed where he sat.

Instead of immediately putting her over his lap, he drew her between his legs. “Little girl, you kept something very important from me.”

“I know, Daddy.”

“That’s not allowed, is it? Especially when it involves your safety. I know that we haven’t known each other that long, but I would be absolutely devastated if something were to happen to you. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. I feel the same way.”

“This isn’t a minor infraction, and it carries a harsher discipline. I want you to think hard about whether you’re ready for that. Or whether I need to break this up into several smaller punishments?”

Holy heck.

She didn’t know. How come she had to decide?

“I want to get it over and done with,” she decided.

“I’m going to spank you on the bare.”

She sucked in a breath. Could she handle that? This was Hack. She trusted him. “All right.”

He wasn’t going to do anything that might truly harm her.

“You’re going to get twenty with my hand.”


She wasn’t going to sit comfortably tomorrow.

“When you’re ready, I want you to lay yourself across my lap.”

“I have to do it?”


This wasn’t cool. At all. But she took a step back so he could close his legs. Then she climbed onto the bed next to him and lay over his lap.

“Good girl. Remember, you can stop this at any time by saying your safeword. But if you do, I’ll have to think up an alternative punishment. That you will not like.”

Okay, then. Good to know.

She felt him undo the back of her onesie, then he reached in to draw her panties down her ass. She sucked in a breath, growing tense.

He placed a warm hand on her bottom. “You okay, baby girl?”

Was she? She waited for panic or fear.
