Page 222 of Saving Daddy

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He eyed her. “If you’d rather go to Callahan Security, you can. But I trust Stone to take care of you. And it means that I can work without worrying about you so much.”

She heaved a big sigh. “All right, Daddy. I’ll put up with having a babysitter. For you. How bad can it be?”



So bad.

Because Stone was a giant pain in the ass.

He should have been called rock. Or wait, boulder. That was it. From now on, she was calling him Boulder.

“Time for a break, Greer,” he said as he walked into the kitchen after scouting the perimeter.

This was so over-the-top. This stalker wasn’t even a threat. And they had a fancy new security system so why did she need a babysitter?

“I’m just finishing something. Ten minutes.”

“That’s what you said fifteen minutes ago,” he pointed out. “It’s time for lunch then your nap. Do you need to pee?”

“Oh my God!” she groaned. She put one arm down on the kitchen table next to her laptop and placed her face on it. “This is not happening to me.”

“You always so . . . dramatic?”

Dramatic? Really?

She sat up and pointed at him. “Listen to me, Boulder. You are my bodyguard, not my nanny.”

He leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed over his chest. “Boulder? Really? My name is Stone.”

“Yes, but you’re a giant-sized pain in my ass so Boulder is more apt.”

He snorted, looking amused. “Well, this giant pain in your ass says go use the bathroom while I make some lunch. Then it’s naptime.”

“Again, not my nanny.”

“Would you like me to call Hack, sweetheart, and you can explain to him that you don’t want to take a nap?”

“Hack is busy.”

“I’m sure he’ll call back when he can. And then maybe I won’t be the one creating a pain in your ass.”

See? Infuriating.

She stomped off to the bathroom, muttering some not so flattering things about his male anatomy. After she finished in the bathroom, and she would never admit it but she’d been busting, she stomped her way back out to find a sandwich sitting by her laptop. And that her water bottle had been refilled.

Okay, that was kind of nice. Although she wished it hadn’t been her blow job water bottle.

“Nice water bottle,” he told her from where he sat across the table.

She bit back her reply. This wasn’t getting them anywhere.

“This must be a really boring job for you, huh?”

He shrugged his massive shoulders. “No action can be a good thing. Means that my charge is safe.”

“And I’m your charge?”
