Page 96 of Saving Daddy

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She told him her size. When he returned, he wasn’t just carrying the jackets, but also some jeans, sweaters, and an adorable T-shirt with a daisy on the front.

“What’s all this?” She bit her lip. She couldn’t afford to buy all this stuff.

“Your punishment for deciding to race me here,” he told her sternly. “I’m buying you some more clothes.”

“You can’t!”

“Oh, you’d rather get some swats on your ass? I could take care of that right now.”

Her eyes widened. He wasn’t serious, right?

He eyed her. “No spanking. Even though you deserve it and this would be an ideal place to deliver a few swats to a naughty bottom.”

This would be a terrible place. Anyone could hear. Sure, at least this place didn’t use curtains as separators but still . . . she wasn’t ready for a spanking.


Heck, she didn’t know. She kind of wanted to know what it felt like. And at the same time, it would take a lot of trust for her to make herself that vulnerable.

But if not with Hack . . . then who? There was no one she felt safer with other than Aidan. And she wasn’t going to let him spank her.

Her brain felt fucked up. How could she be curious about being spanked? Yet the idea of sex scared her?

“What are you thinking about, Ladybug?”

“Just . . . just things.” She cringed. That was lame.

“Were you thinking about me spinning you around to face the mirror? About me ordering you to put your hands on the mirror and sticking your ass out for a spanking? Would you be able to keep yourself quiet?”

She was thinking no.

“Try these on, no arguments.”

That rat!

He grinned down at her. “If it helps just think of me as your fairy godmother. Hmm, wait that doesn’t work. Your magic genie?”

“A magic genie gives wishes.”

“True. If you like, I could get my wand and we could pretend that I’m making all your clothing wishes come true.”

She shook her head, but she couldn’t help but grin. He was insane. One minute, he was so bossy. The next, he was making her laugh.

“Out!” She pointed toward the door.

“Sure you don’t need any help?”

“I do not.”

“Shame,” he muttered.

Had he really said that or had she imagined it?

An hour later, she was the owner of a bright red jacket with bows at the wrists and big oversized buttons. It was by far the nicest thing she’d ever owned. She’d wanted to go for the black, plain one but Hack had overruled her.

No surprises there.

She was wearing it now, as well as her new tan boots. They had fluff on the inside and the soles were solid and thick. Her feet wouldn’t be getting wet and cold in these.
