Page 15 of Deadly Star

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Heboren asked, “What did you think about the others linking through you?”

“It was fine. They kept to the surface, and through them, I was able to steer the mass of us around.”

“Good. I am looking forward to your mind in contact with mine.” He chuckled. “So, Na’ith, what do you think of the rest of the new species.”

“One good one and then fifteen alright ones in the batch. The rest need to be kept far from Nova. They are deliberately hostile toward her.”

Nova nodded and snitched more of the shredded vegetables. “That is probably true. There was a batch of my people still on the station who knew some of my history, and they passed it along. It is not a particularly good story.”

Na’ith frowned. “You were a solo survivor. What else was there?”

“I ran out of food, and when others came to take my remaining survival supplies, I killed them and used them as a food source.” She sighed. “They had no respect for my life, so I had no respect for theirs.”

Heboren’s mind skittered across hers again, and he picked up the details which were now at the forefront of her mind. “Ah. Well done, pet. You survived. Anything else is immaterial.”

She looked up at him, and his expression was serious. She exhaled slowly. “Right. I survived.”

That was what it came down to after all.

Chapter Four

Nova blinked as Heboren’s hand appeared in front of her with some of the food. She took the hint and ate a little more. He fed her until the serving was gone and had a nice chat with Na’ith.

She finished the food and rested back against him. That was more than she had eaten in three years. Even the station hadn’t given her this much food at a sitting. It was funny how she had taken food access for granted. She also had no idea what a standard serving was for this food.

His heartbeat was heavy against her back, and she yawned and slumped with his arm around her.

* * * *

Heboren felt the moment that she slipped into sleep. “Our conversation must have been boring.” He shifted her across his thighs for stability.

“You are really going to? She’s small.”

“She will adapt. It is what my kind do to them. I have seen other consorts of her species with other Hmrain. They are fine.” He smiled. “We will start slow, but I was designed to work into smaller species. Literally. She won’t be injured.”

“You know, until now, I have never thought about how your interactions happen. Hmrain seek consorts. It is normal. Actually, finding one, that is something different. You are different.”

Heboren felt the silk of her hair through his fingers. “It feels different, and if you want to know how different, find a crewman you don’t like and goad them into touching her while I am around. It would be... interesting. Also, new crew would be necessary. And clean up. That is how I am feeling.”

“Is she your first consort?”

“Yes. I haven’t found a mental match before. She’s the first.”

She was breathing slowly and evenly in his arms.

Na’ith frowned. “Why is she asleep? I have seen her eat all these items before. They don’t make her drowsy.”

“No, they wouldn’t.” He kept stroking her soft skin and getting her scent through her hair.

“Oh. Gentlemen, clear up and go.” Na’ith nodded to the crew, and they cleared the meals and platters, wiped the table, and disappeared.

Heboren chuckled. “I feel like a hen with a new chick.”

Na’ith frowned. “You knocked her out?”

“I eased her to sleep. She was tired after the battle.” He stroked her hair. “My fault. She hasn’t had a chance to rest.”

His captain asked, “You are sure she’s for you?”
