Page 22 of Deadly Star

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She walked the hall, and crewmen stepped aside and nodded while she wanted to cover her face in mortification. She had authorized the bond house to act on her behalf and sell years of her life to buy her a new home on a new world. She wanted to live.

Lily went to the dining hall and got a tray, filling it with things she knew she liked. The drones followed her wherever she went. The crew watched her and her weird guards. When her meal was over, she put her tray and dishes in the cleaning slot. She looked around the space, and a few of the crew were looking at her, and their expressions weren’t something she could understand. She walked into the hall and down to the gym, where she had finally been able to work out and use her new arms to their fullest extent. Losing her arms within sight of the shuttle station had been lucky, but the memory of watching her limbs crushed to the point where they parted from her body was one she didn’t want. The memory was there every time she moved the hands that were smooth and perfect, missing all of the marks acquired in her lifetime. She even had nails to put polish on. She had lost her pinky nail in a work accident when she was sixteen. Now, it was whole again.

Lily turned and walked with her entourage up to the observation deck. She sat on one of the lounges built for the Hebor and stared out at the stars. They were different, but they were the same. That was comforting. She really fucking needed comfort. Being casually killed by an alien because he was interested in her was terrifying.

She remained in the observatory, looking out at the stars for hours, tears tracking down her cheeks. She had fought for her life for two years and had never been so scared.

The rustle of wings got her attention. She heard the soft sound and muttered, “What do you want?”

“I wish to apologize. I did not read up on your species specs before arriving here. The feeling of urgency that gripped me was unusual. I do not normally look for consorts, but this compulsion has held me for the last few months.”

There was a bench near her, and he settled down with his wings folded behind him.

“Sorry you have been under compulsion.”

“Thank you. I am also filled with regret. I should have gone through the appropriate measures and simply bought your bond. I am pleased you have adapted to your implants. I am never sure what my creations will become when they are installed. You have excellent control over your new implants.”

The reference made her smile. “On my world, telling a woman she has control of her implants meant something different.”

He asked, “What did it mean?”

“It meant that the breast implants were properly installed and lined up.”

“What can breasts do?”

“They turn men into idiots. Some women had them enhanced for personal reasons, while some men had their partners enhanced for their own preferences. It was also a treatment given after amputation due to illness.” She smiled slightly. “We have basic prosthetics, but nothing like these.” She flexed her hands.

He nodded. “I have gotten many orders from the education station. Some of you left there in pieces. When did you get your arms?”

“Four months ago.”

Nebel nodded and braced his elbows on his knees. “That is when the call began. I thought it was your species in general, but I believe it was you specifically. Your arms recognized your genes and frequency and sent the signal to me.”

“My genes?”

“Sure. Most consorts are recognized by pleasure capability, but there is always the factor that they are suited and would never have been found if your world had remained intact. As it is, your species is now out here and being checked for that criterion.”

Lily nodded. “But I didn’t register for it. I was fairly neutral if I recall.”

“Indeed, I read your file. You were nearly dead and missing limbs when you arrived. You were in shock during your testing. Your results were not accurate. After looking over a number of cases, it is being found that your species doesn’t give solid results until they are in a safe situation, fed, calm, and relaxed.”

She looked at him. “Gee, I can’t imagine why we aren’t horny when we have just fought and clawed our way to safety.”

He sighed. “I know. I am just sharing the information with you.”

“This is your way of telling me that there is no life out here that doesn’t involve you.” It was a statement.

“If you don’t agree, I will just purchase your bond, but I would like you involved in the negotiations. I want to offer you what would make you happy.”

She turned her head and sighed. He was looking at her with a serious expression, and his fingers were moving. He was holding something that got bigger and bigger. When he paused and nodded, he held a flower made of swirled metals out to her.

Lily stared at it and took it. “It’s...”

“A lily. Heboren’s database showed me an image. You are named after a flower.”

“You made this... with your fingers?”

“I have a strong grip. I have not been with other beings for quite some time. I forgot how soft biologicals can be.”
