Page 23 of Deadly Star

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The swirling metals were precisely formed. A tall lily complete with a stem and a single wide leaf was heavy in her hand. It was warm, and she couldn’t move the metal when she wiggled the leaf. “I don’t think that I would be able to survive you touching me.”

“When we bond, you will adapt, just as Heboren’s mate is adapting to him.”

She tried to figure out the subtext. “Adapt? Mutate?”

He beamed. “Yes. Your body will be reinforced and be made resilient to my attentions. It will not hurt. Some parts will be fun, and after that, all parts will be.”

She looked at the flower in her hand. “Do I need to love you?”

“Not at first. It will grow. It was a sudden start, and I will apologize to you every day until you accept me.” He looked resigned but determined. “I know you were developing affection for the captain, and he could come along as well if you want. I am not jealous. Well, I do not think I am.”

She stared at him. “You don’t know?”

“I haven’t ever had a consort. You are the first to resonate with me. I very much want to make you happy.”


He looked at her and blinked. “It’s a drive. I was designed with preferences and a need to find a consort and try to produce little Hmrain hybrids. Having found you, Ineedto try to make our relationship work.”

Lily looked at the flower, swallowed, and pulled up everything she had learned about negotiating a bond. She had the right to set the price on her head, but she had no idea what the hourly wage was considered to be.

“What am I worth?”

He smiled. “You are priceless, but your kind pull bonds of two to twelve million credits, depending on the Hmrain and their wealth.”

“That didn’t answer my question.”

He tilted his head and smiled. “Well, since I have before me an exclusive and one-of-a-kind Terran, I would put your bond at twenty. Heboren hopefully has settled his bond because I am blowing the curve.”

She blinked. “Twenty million for a body servant?”

He shrugged. “My colony is established. We are the best tech developers in the known worlds. Funds flow like water, and food is not an issue. I designed my planet to house the creative.”


“Of course. I built it myself. It took a while, but it is ideal for the purpose.” He smiled. “So, I will place twenty million for your bond and provide worlds to guide and guard for any and all children of our union.” His expression was amused. “So, now that you know what I want, what do you want?”

She felt heat creeping across her face. “Um, food, shelter, clothing.”

“That is standard. What else?”

“Um, a vacation once every two or three years? Unlimited education?”

“Of course. What else?”

She swallowed. “That’s it.”

“What gave you pleasure on your world?”

“Time with family and friends. As far as I know, they are all gone.”

His head tilted. “I understand. Is your intake file complete?”

Lily blinked. “Oh, yes. They used an assessor to get all the details from me, but yes.”

“Right, you arrived with an injury.”

She held up her arms. “Two.”
