Page 5 of Deadly Star

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Y’kak looked at Nova with slow blinks. “I see. And we want to let this creature near the overseer?”

“It is his request. I think she can handle him.”

“You mean he can handle her.”

Na’ith grinned. “We will see.”

Nova cleared her throat, tucking her hands in her sleeves again. “Commander, it is nice to meet you.”

Y’kak laughed. “Yes, it seems it is.”

They walked in a large group through the ship. She saw the dining area and the workout area that was rather empty. Na’ith pointed at a hallway marked with black and gold bars. “That is the area of particular interest to you. You can schedule simulation time from your quarters.”

“My quarters?”

“Yes, as the consort presumptive, you are to be housed in the overseer’s quarters. A wardrobe has been arranged and loaded onboard.”

“Is there anything with leggings?”

“You will have to go through the catalogue.” He chuckled.

“I can do that. I am rather tired though. I will do it when I wake up in twenty hours or so.”

Y’kak asked, “Twenty hours? I thought only the Recanth slept that long.”

Na’ith snorted. “Not even we sleep that long in a row. We prefer opportunistic naps.”

Nova was frank. “I have been awake for three station days. I thought I could fool the assessor, but the moron believed the initial reports, and he continued scanning me until he found me out.”

Y’kak huffed a soft laugh. “You tried to outthink an assessor?”

She grimaced. “Not my finest hours, and the lack of sleep made it work for just about an hour. The examiner looked like he wanted to boot me out of an airlock.”

The men who could hear her laughed.

She finally arrived at the overseer’s quarters, and her body was screaming at her for a nap. There was an attendant assigned to her room that she was introduced to, but she didn’t care. That was the best-looking bed she had ever seen. The moment she was alone, the dress came off, and she crawled into the bed, pulling a sheet over her and falling asleep. She could smell something interesting, and it wove its way into her dreams. Hot dreams.

Chapter Two

Heboren watched the woman in his bed slowly twist and writhe in her sleep. He looked up from his monitor, and one of his siblings asked, “Something interesting?”

“A new acquisition.”

“I would say. You look fiercely hungry and concerned at the same time. A new consort?”

“Yes. I am going to meet her as soon as we are done here.”

His sister leaned over. “Oh, her hair is yellow. That will be amusing. She’s like one of your Recanth. Easy to spot. You scented your sheets?”

He chuckled. “Yes. She seems... responsive.”

“Wait. Seems? Oh, you said you hadn’t met her. Is she safe?”

“She’s safe. The captain will be giving me daily updates as well as any events of note.” He smiled slowly. “She already has pilot qualifications. She is one of the new species.”

“The ones that Mero’s station is taking care of?”

