Page 7 of Deadly Star

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Ke’vath snorted.

Nova smiled. “What are your plans for your future?”

“I am going to find the oldest, wealthiest male I can and wrap him around my little finger. It’s what my family always does.”

“Ah. Tradition. I have one question. Why are you speaking English?”

The girls giggled amongst each other. They all were in their twenties, but Nova felt so old just looking at them. They had weathered the disaster in a gated community with hoarded resources.

Their leader sneered, “These beasts can’t understand us. We have insulted them, asked questions in English, and none of them even flinch. We have privacy at full volume.”

Nova started giggling as every crewman and a few women turned to look at them. “You are mistaken. The Hmrain that owns this ship had all personnel given four common Terran languages. Oh, and some of them have psychic abilities. Ah, and you are under the mistaken idea that these men and women are the help? They are the two species that you will be bonded to. You might want to get to know them, but I am sure that if you are insistent, they can hook you up with an old, fat noble. Only nobility can work on the overseer’s vessel, after all.”

The girls blinked and gasped when their escort said in clear English, “My great-uncle is old and looking for a mate. You might suit him. He has a fondness for gold.” It was impressive around the extended canines. His pronunciation was perfect.

It had taken Nova two days to figure out that she was on a version of the bachelorette when it came to the two dozen-plus women who were on board. The Recanth and Havorth on the vessel were the best of the best, fit and charming. They had also been given the languages for a reason.

The blonde stepped back in surprise. “You can understand me?”

He cocked his head and nodded. “While your observations of my physique have been interesting, your assessment of my cock has been rather insulting. I believe some of the others you have observed and discussed also wish to have words with you and sneer at your bald little body.”

Nova covered her mouth as the ladies looked shocked. A few others also discussed their critiques from the clique, and Nova saw a woman in the back, a little older with an amused twist to her lips. She knew. It was obvious that she knew and had just remained silent.

The woman winked at Nova while the other women were being addressed by the crew that they had insulted.

Ke’vath asked, “What next?”

“Lunch? I am rather peckish.”

“We will bring you food, and you can get dressed and continue your education. The overseer is on the way, and we should make contact in a few days.”

She stumbled, and La’thet caught her. “Forgot he was coming?”

She blushed and pressed her hands to her cheeks. “Rephrase please.”

Her guards laughed.

She was tucked into her quarters, and her butler—Hu’oth—bullied her into the shower, his lush tail flicking with irritation. “Mistress, you should not leave without notifying me.”

“You knew where I was. I have three embedded trackers.”

He sniffled. “It isn’t the same. Now, have your shower and then take a hot soak. I will give you a massage, and you can eat.”

“Can’t I shower, eat, and then bathe?” She peeled off her bodysuit.

“You will stay in for the rest of the day and work on your Hebor etiquette?”

She made a face. “Yes.”

“Then, yes.” His muzzle was flecked with grey, his pointed ears were black with white streaks, and the rest of his body was grey. Or at least all the parts she could see. He was wearing the sleeveless bodysuit that the crew wore, and part of his ruff was bound in a small braid.

He took the bodysuit from her and walked off to the refresher. She took a quick shower and let him help her into the robe she was expected to wear.

“So, food?”

He nodded and went to the dispenser unit. A tray was waiting, and she settled at the table while he set it in front of her. She got excited when she saw the dessert but went through the other dishes first. When the meat was finished and the bread and vegetables were gone, she ate the fruit that popped and fizzed on her tongue. The Hebor had been told that sweets were the way into the hearts of the Terrans as they hadn’t been able to have fresh fruit in years.

Nova sipped at her tumbler of water and said, “So, is this a punishment? Having to tidy up after me all the time.”
