Page 103 of Falling For The Boss

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“Thanks, Mrs. Nolan.”

“Oh my God.” The heat flares in my cheeks at the sound of Adam’s voice.

“You’re welcome, Adam.” Mom smiles at us both. “You treat my Georgia right or it won’t be so nice after that.”

“Oh. My. God. Mom, it’s time to go.”

“It’s fine, I’m meeting Lila’s mother for lunch. It was nice seeing you, Adam.”

“You too, ma’am.”

The door shuts behind her after she give us a jaunty wave. I don’t want to turn around but I can’t stand this way all day.

“So, my mom doesn’t have filter.”

“I know, I’ve met her before.”

“That’s right.” I sigh and turn around. He must read the embarrassment on my face, because he steps forward.

“It’s all good, Georgia.” He gives a small shrug. “I’m not bothered by her.”

This man right here is going to be the death of me. He’s so sweet. “Why did you and your ex break up?”

He steps back and I sigh again. “Apparently I take after my mother.”

“It’s not a big heartbreak; we just had different views on what we wanted out of life. She wanted to travel a lot, move from city to city and I didn’t. I want somewhere I can settle down.”

“You were an army brat, right?” I smile when he looks over at me. “Curiosity.”

“And moved all over the place by the time I was ten. It wasn’t bad. I got to see a lot of places most people don’t see in a lifetime. Just tired of moving around.”

“You moved for her.”

“I did, but it didn’t take me long to realize that she wasn’t what I wanted either.”

“And you stayed? What about your family?” I am desperate to know all the things about him, even the smallest detail.

“My parents retired in Arizona because they like the weather. I have a brother in Colorado and a sister in New York.” He moves back to my office where he’s hanging up a painting I bought off of instagram. It’s a woman in profile with pops of color. She’s drinking a glass of wine looking at the stars.

“Any nieces or nephews?” I stare at him as he places the picture on the nails. The muscles in his back move underneath his shirt and suddenly I’m breathless. Definitely acting like a teenager.

“One niece. She’s a year old. Loves the snow.”

I think it’s adorable that he knows his niece’s age and the fact that she loves the snow. It means he pays attention. He already knows so much about me through Brett and being around my family, but I know next to nothing about him. I’m loving learning about him though. I’ll make an A+ in Adam trivia by this wedding shower. Even though I’d love to watch him all day, I have too much to do so I go back to the front. Fresh flowers are supposed to deliver weekly so I’m setting the delivery dates up on my laptop at the reception desk. I’ve got applicants to sort through. I’ll need at least one employee in the beginning so I don’t wear myself out, even though I plan to be here all the time. Still, it doesn’t mean I have to worry about everything.

“See you tomorrow?” Adam breaks through my thoughts. He’s standing on the other side of the reception counter.

Ninety-nine percent of me wants to ask him to come home with me, but the one percent—the percent that knows it’s too soon—wins out. “See you tomorrow.”

He gives me the sweetest smile before heading to the door. “Don’t forget to lock up behind me.”

I lock the door after he leaves. I don’t like the way I feel watching him walk away.

Chapter Six

The night of the wedding shower, I’m forcing myself not to bite my fingernails as I wait on Adam to pick me up. I can’t call Lila and freak out over it with her because I don’t want to distract her from her night. She’d answer and talk it out with me, but I don’t want to do that. Tonight’s about her.

When Adam knocks on the door, my heart does a somersault in my chest. When I see Adam in his slacks and white button-up, my heart drops to the ground and lays at his feet. His hair is slicked back but not in an unattractive way. He polishes up well.
