Page 138 of Falling For The Boss

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“Not this again, Mia.”

For the last few weeks, my sister has been a broken record. I knew what she was going to say next. I mouthed the words along with her in perfect unison. “I know you enjoy his company. But you want and deserve more.”

I swallowed hard.

“You know, at first, I was skeptical about this arrangement. And then started to think it was kinda cute that he was asking you out without asking you out. But it’s been over a month, and nothing has progressed. Zero! He is your boss, you are his employee, and he knows there can be nothing more between you two, no matter how much you wish.”

“How can you say that?” I asked as I replayed the conversations he and I had. Yes, sure, sometimes we discussed work, especially the campaigns I handled. But mostly, we chatted about everything else. I knew about his childhood, hobbies, hopes, worries, goals, and…

“Because it’s true. Okay, fine. I won’t dispute that you are friends. Does that make you feel any better? Having him as a friend?”

I didn’t reply.

“Your silence speaks volumes. Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with having a friend. There is a problem if the only friendship you desire is one with benefits and the other person doesn’t. It’s a recipe for disaster. I don’t need to ask you what type of friendship you want, do I?”

“No. I think you can figure it out on your own,” I admitted. The more time I spent with Jonathan, the more I wanted. Sometimes, I thought he felt the same way. But those moments—when I felt like he let his guard down and looked at me like a woman instead of an employee—were fleeting. And they were always followed by a hasty exit to address some matter of “utmost importance.” But if he just wanted to be friends, I couldn’t help wondering why he continued with this ruse of meeting up with my sister week after week.

“Well, it is time you start hanging out with your other friends again because no funny business is ever happening between you and your boss. And when you think with your head instead of your lady parts, you know I am right.”

I hate her.

“Yes. I do.”

“Good. Finally, you’ve come to your senses.”

I’m glad one of us is happy.

“So here is what you will do. Have fun tonight, and if he doesn’t make a move, give me your permission to pass along your contact information to Michael’s friend I told you about. You know, Grant? The one you thought his photo was cute.”

Chapter Eight

The conversation with Mia played on an endless loop as I made my way to the Village. While I hated to admit it, I knew my sister was right. I was playing a stupid, dangerous game with my boss. And I knew if I continued this way, I’d end up hurt.

End up hurt?

Who was I fooling? I already was feeling the stabbing pain of rejection. The more time I spent with him outside the office, the more I genuinely cared about him. Did he just want my friendship?

And what about my job?

Until I bumped into Jonathan over a month ago, I was like an invisible drone, doing one monotonous task after another. Then, five seconds later, I was handed a golden opportunity on a silver platter, one I was crushing, by the way. Even critical Cathy praised my performance. Would the challenging work disappear if I stopped meeting with him on Friday nights?

Why did I let myself get into this position in the first place? I should have stuck with my original plan of sprucing up my resume, searching for greener pastures. Good thing I still can… Too bad I can’t imagine not seeing him every workday.

“Hey.” Jonathan waved as soon as I entered the crowded restaurant.

Despite the brutal reality check I was in the middle of giving myself, one look at him—looking all delicious dressed in a light blue button-down shirt rolled up at the sleeves—and I didn’t want to be any place else. Stupid heart and girly bits!

I made my way to where he stood near the bar. “Hi,” I said softly as I gently squeezed his forearm. It was a weird move, I know. But a handshake felt too cold, too much like something that should happen at the office. And a hug felt too personal, too risky. Although, I always hug my hairdresser goodbye.

Stop it, Kara. Relax.

Jonathan held my gaze longer than necessary, which I liked. What I would do to know what he was thinking…

He tilted his head towards the back of the restaurant. “This place is a zoo tonight. I got us a table on the rooftop. Does that work for you?”

“Sure. It is a beautiful night.”

His eyes traveled leisurely from my head to my toes. “Yes. Quite beautiful.” Then he unexpectedly placed his hand on the small of my back, sending shivers down my spine as he guided me toward a hidden staircase.
