Page 143 of Falling For The Boss

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“I like you, too.”

“I know.” He nodded. “What’s not to like? I’m all for taking everything slow and seeing how things go.”

I reached over and kissed him on the cheek. “That’s good to know, but right now, I can’t stay.”

Chapter Ten

By Monday morning, any sense of calm, cool, or collected in me had disappeared. I had a huge fight with my sister. She tried to explain her reasoning, but I was too angry to listen. We’ve had knock-down-drag-out fights before, but this was different. I think the soonest I’ll be able to speak to her will be on a non-existent day like November 31.

Unlike manipulative Mia, who at least let me take all my anger and frustrations out on her, despite desperately trying, I could not reach Jonathan. If I couldn’t clear this misunderstanding up, I didn’t know how I could continue working there, seeing him every day. I couldn’t keep torturing myself.

“I need to see him. Now!” I demanded Jonathan’s assistant, Dora.

The prim and proper sixty-something-year-old woman did a double-take. She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Again, I’m sorry. I’ve explained this to you already. Jonathan has an important meeting in fifteen minutes, and he asked not to be disturbed while he prepared.”

“And again, Dora, I don’t care about any meetings or lame excuses. I need to see him. And I am going to speak with him right now.”

“I can’t let you do that,” she said calmly. I expected the loyal lady to try to tackle me as I made my way toward his door, but instead, she stepped to the side. I was probably delirious, but I could have sworn I saw amusement in her eyes.

I threw open his door, and when his eyes met mine, I felt sick seeing pure disgust. “What’s wrong with you?”

Or was it hatred?

Wait, could it be hurt?

“I need to speak with you,” I said.

He stepped toward me, folding his arms across his broad chest.

Dora stood next to me and cleared her throat. “Will you be okay, Jonathan, or do you need me to call security?”

“I think I can handle her. Thanks. That’ll be all.” He closed the door and let out a slow breath. “What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? You can’t barge into my office.”

I swallowed hard and clenched my fists. My pulse thrummed so loudly that I swear I could hear it in my ears.

Before I could reply, he continued. “This is a place of business, Kara. You’re being completely unprofessional.”

“What else am I supposed to do?”

“What do you want?”

Coming here was a mistake. What was I thinking? I should go…

But I couldn’t chicken out. Again.

My voice wavered. “I need to speak with you.” I stepped back and leaned against the wall for support. “I tried to email, text, and call you all weekend, but you didn’t reply. Tell me why you won’t talk to me. Why are you so mad?”

“Because he—”

“Because he what?” I waved my hand between us. “Do you we have something that allows you to think he shouldn’t have kissed me?”

“You can kiss anyone you like.”

“Then why didn’t you return my calls?”

“Most people would take my non-responsiveness as a hint.”

I bit my quivering lip. “Well, I’m not most people.”
