Page 155 of Falling For The Boss

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Ryan looks over and gives me that confident smile of his. “I intend on being an excellent boss to your daughter and a good friend.”

“Hmm…” My father doesn’t sound convinced.

“Neither one of us buys it,” my mother tells me. “It’s pretty obvious how you two feel about each other.”

“Drop it,” I whisper through clenched teeth. “Please.”

“Fine, have it your way.” She turns to Ryan with a sweet smile. “I hope you brought an appetite. Those steaks look like they’re about ready.”

To my relief, we stick to innocuous topics over dinner, like the best route to get to the hotel in downtown and Atlanta and politics.

“Why don’t you take Ryan out for a walk? It’ll do you both good after all that time in the car, and you’ll both sleep better.” Mom picks up the dishes, refusing any help from me. Or Ryan, for that matter.

“I put some new fencing up, down by the creek. I think you haven’t seen the new fruit trees either.” My father walks up to the deck railing and points to the far end of our lot. It’s a good quarter of a mile down the hill.

“You have a beautiful piece of property here,” Ryan says, earning a nod and a smile from my dad. “I’d love to see the creek.” He turns to me, a twinkle in his eyes.

I know exactly what he’s thinking. A few moments away from prying eyes and ears. “It’s a bit of a hike,” I warn, already pulling on my jacket.

The sun is about to set when we reach the burbling water.

“Did you grow up here?” Ryan asks. He took my hand as soon as we were out of sight and hasn’t let go of it since. He pulls me closer and puts his arm around my shoulder, hugging me to his side as we stare out across the creek and into the meadow behind it.

“I did. We had a rope swing on that branch over there.” I point to the large oak tree and the thick limb that hangs across the water.

“I can see it. I bet you looked adorable in pigtails and shorts, swinging across the creek.” Ryan leans down and kisses me on the nose.

“Dirty and sweaty from playing hard all day. I used to catch frogs and crawdaddies. Not sure I’d call myself adorable.”

“Let a man keep his fantasies,” Ryan mumbles before capturing my lips in the kiss we’ve both been dying to share all day.

“I’m exhausted. Gonna sleep like a log,” I say when we make it back inside.

My parents are sitting next to each other on the couch, watching TV.

“There’s a strong thunderstorm moving in. Might make that a little tricky.” Dad looks at me like I’m still ten years old and scared of lightning.

“I’m not sure a little thunder could keep me up.” Ryan sounds as tired as I feel.

“We’ll see about that.” Dad looks at the man I’ve been locking lips with down by the creek. “For the record, Jane and I sleep with our door open.”

“Dad!” I feel heat creeping into my cheeks.

“Understood, sir. I don’t plan on anything other than a solid eight hours of shuteye. And I would like to thank you and your wife for your hospitality.” Ryan creates a bit more distance between us.

My father nods, and both men look like they’ve come to some sort of understanding.

“Do you have everything you need?” I ask when we walk upstairs.

“All I need is a place to charge my phone and somewhere to rest my head.” Ryan yawns.

It’s contagious. I feel my own bed calling when I give him a quick kiss goodnight. Until a bright flash lights up the entire house. Thunder rolls in the distance, but the storm is moving closer.

“That was…” I reach for the right word. Loud, terrifying, not conducive to the sleep we both desperately need if we’re going to be at the top of our game tomorrow.

“Why don’t we come up with a game plan for tomorrow?” Ryan motions for me to join him in the guest room.

I accept thankfully, leaving the door wide open. We’re sitting on different corners of the bed, talking softly when my parents make their way upstairs.
