Page 166 of Falling For The Boss

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I shake my head to clear the thoughts. “We’ll eat all our meals together, preferably in public.”

“Public displays of affection?” Pam’s voice squeaks, and her blush has my insides doing cartwheels.

“Handholding. Hugging.”

“No kissing.” She holds up her hand in a stop motion.

I nod even though I’m completely against her command. “Fine. No kissing.”

Chapter Three


I lean over the rail with Rex by my side and gaze at the gentle waves lapping against Nantucket Ferry’s hull, completely happy to leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind. But Dalton, my workaholic boss, stands a few feet away, fiddling with his phone, not so ready to leave work on the mainland. Though he offered to get us a private boat to take us over, I refused. I’m not going to feel more indebted to him than I already am. When I mentioned he didn’t need to go all out for us, Dalton brushed off my concern—said he was just glad to have someone accompany him without any interest in his wealth and status. I didn’t know being so rich had so many complications.

It only takes thirty minutes, and the ferry arrives at the dock with a sudden jolt that sends Rex flying and landing with a thud. He scrambles to his feet and shouts, “I’m starving. Let’s find food.”

Dalton lets out a bark of laughter. This is more surprising than my son’s nonchalant attitude about falling over. I thought Rex would have a meltdown.

I take my son’s hand in mine. “Patience. We need to wait for everyone to get off the big boat.”

He screws up his button nose. “How many people?”

“All of them.”

“But I can’t see.” His slight frame pushes up onto his tiptoes

Dalton bends to his level. “Do you want to hop on my shoulders? You’ll see everything from up there.”

Rex peers up at him in awe for a moment before nodding vigorously. “Yes, please.” His little voice is adorable. It must be working on Dalton too. Rex may be a little tyrant at times, but he sure is a cutie pie.

Rex climbs onto Dalton’s back and loops his legs over his shoulders. I’ve got mixed feelings about this. It’s all a little too weird seeing Dalton finally letting go of work and seeming relaxed for once. I didn’t imagine him liking kids. Totally the opposite, actually.

When we’ve disembarked and are away from the dock, Dalton lowers Rex to the ground. I take my son’s hand, and Rex peeks up at Dalton and takes his hand too. My boss seems to have no problem with this. We make our way down the main street. Rex decides he wants Dalton and I to swing him in the air every few steps. His giggles make my insides want to burst with happiness.

And just then, my nose catches a delicious scent. A bakery called Sweet by Design beckons me to enter. Dalton must notice me drooling as he acts like a gentleman, opening the door for everyone with a flourish as we walk on through. Inside, laughter fills the bakery, and cakes are decorated in all shapes and sizes. We are truly in sweet paradise.

I’d checked Rex’s insulin levels before leaving the mainland, so he should be okay to have one treat. Rex tugs on Dalton’s pants, and I can’t believe the smile my boss gives my son. Every time it blows my mind. Without hesitation, Dalton scoops him up and holds Rex to the display cabinet, hugging my son’s back to his chest. Why does this scene make me melt like a chocolate lava cake? I take a deep breath and force my gaze away.

A chirpy staff member with blonde hair in a perky ponytail gives me a welcoming smile. “What can I get for you today?”

My shoulders relax. “Hi.” I point to the oatmeal cookies. “They look delicious.”

“Honey, everything I bake is delicious.” She winks. “I’m Ellie. Is this your first time on the island?”

“I live on the mainland. But I haven’t been here since . . . well, since I had a kid.”

Ellie glances at Rex in Dalton’s arms. “He’s got his daddy’s eyes.”

“Oh.” I shift on my feet. “You think so?” Why did I just go along with her assumption? That’s taking the fake relationship a little too far. “Can you make it three cookies? Thanks.”

“Sure thing.” Ellie collects a miniature tong and places the cookies carefully in a paper bag.

Dalton shuffles over to me, still holding Rex around the waist. “This little man wants a vanilla slice. Is he allowed that amount of sugar?” The concern in his expression is quite endearing.

“Um.” I squint at the slices smothered in a thick layer of icing on top. “They look huge. Better not.”

“I can go halves with him if that helps.”
