Page 175 of Falling For The Boss

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Pam tips her chin toward her chest. Her fingers flex over my chest. “I love you, too.”

I’ve never moved so fast in my life. I’m out of my chair and by her side in seconds. I pull Pam close and kiss her until we’re both breathless. Everything about this feels right. Pam in my arms is the most natural thing I can imagine. I can see Rex as my son, with maybe more sons and/or daughters down the road. I reel in my thoughts again before they fast-track me to scaring Pam into running for the hills. I’m a man who knows what he wants. But I won’t risk losing her.

Tiny footsteps thud from the hallway. Rex runs into the kitchen and launches himself into my lap. He slings an arm around my neck and the other around Pam. “You’re gonna be my new daddy.” He smacks a kiss to my cheek and squeezes me and Pam until all our cheeks are smushed together.

Well, maybe I won’t have to wait very long.

Pam blushes a pretty pink and pats Rex’s back. “What makes you say that?”

“Cuz you kissed.” He makes smacking noises with his mouth. “You said mommies and daddies kiss. So that makes him” –he pats my cheek– “my daddy.”

Pam opens her mouth.

I’m assuming she’s about to argue, so I hike an eyebrow and give her hand a squeeze.

Her eyes widen.

I could use this to my advantage, but there’s no way I’m using Rex to coerce Pam into marriage. Then I’d be no better than those glamor girls who chase me for my money.

Doesn’t mean I’m above emploring her with my eyes and letting her see that marriage is next, and I hope she agrees.

Chapter Nine


Six months later

I breeze through the Jeffries skyrise at 9 a.m. Since my role as Dalton’s PA has been modified, I don’t need to rush after dropping Rex off at kindy. The building buzzes with activity. Staff respectfully nod and smile in my direction. I glance at my diamond ring, which could cause blindness if held at the right angle. I chuckle to myself as I cruise up the elevator, excited to see my man. These last six months have been heavenly, and Rex has fallen in love with Dalton as much as I have.

I enter the room to overhear his phone conversation. “Yes, Mother, it’s all under control.” His voice is sharp, and he’s gripping the hair at the back of his head. If he doesn’t watch it, he’ll go bald by the time he’s forty. Dalton slams his cell to the desk and lets out an exasperated sigh.

“Looks like I’ve arrived just in time,” I say.

He turns around, but his smile is upside down. “We need a plan to get Mother to retire. She interferes way too much, and it’s unnecessary. She should be enjoying her wealth, not micromanaging me.”

I unhook my purse from my shoulder and throw it onto the couch. Immediately, I stride straight into Dalton’s embrace. I use my fingernails to trace circles over his back, and he relaxes into me.

“Did I tell you that you’re the best PA?” He chuckles.

“Yes, nearly every day.”

“It’s amazing how one touch from you and my problems dissolve in an instant. I couldn’t care less about anything else right now. As long as I have you in my life, all is right in my world.”

I pull back and cup his cheek, gazing into his chocolate-brown eyes. “You make everything right in my world too. And Rex’s. I love you.” I press my mouth to his. Dalton’s arms wrap around my waist. He steps backward, bringing me with him as he sits on the edge of the desk. His strong hands explore my back, sending sweet sensations over my skin.

It’s the same for me. One touch from Dalton, and my load seems lighter. Guess that’s the power of love that drives us forward in this life despite all its complications.

Dalton trails kisses along my jawline and makes his way to my earlobe. He whispers into my ear, “I’m glad we got you a PA, so it gives us time for shenanigans in the office.”

I pull back, smiling at my fiancé. “Shenanigans?”

“I love the sound of that word. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to use it. It can be our code word for ‘kissing you senseless.’”

“I like it.” I brush my thumb across his bottom lip. “I also love your idea about getting your mom to retire.” I smile. “We could always hire someone else to take on her responsibilities. Or if she insists on staying involved, at least you could put some boundaries in place so she doesn’t micromanage everything you do. We could have a whole team behind us making her retirement happen.”

He rests his hands on my hips. “I couldn’t agree more. It’s in Mother’s best interest, isn’t it?” He gives me a sly grin.

I put on my serious face. “Definitely in Mother Dearest’s best interest.”
