Page 207 of Falling For The Boss

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As the day went on, Emily tried to focus on her work, but her mind kept drifting back to Mr. Thomas. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about him, something that set him apart from other men. And not just because he was her boss and held the power of her employment in his hands.

As the workday came to a close, Emily packed up her things and headed out of the office. She saw Mr. Thomas leaving at the same time. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. She tried to act casual as she walked past him. The scent of his cologne followed behind her, engulfing her in his scent and sending her senses into a jumbled mess.

As she stepped out of the building, Emily took a deep breath of fresh air and felt a sense of excitement wash over her. She knew that working under Mr. Thomas was going to be a challenge if the day was any indication, but she also felt a sense of thrill at the prospect of impressing him and earning his respect. She couldn't wait to see what the future held.

Chapter 2

The First Impressions

Emily arrived at work early the next morning, determined to make a good impression on her new boss. Her mom always told her to be early was on time, to be on time was to be late, and to be late was to lose out.

As she settled in at her desk, Emily made sure that everything was neat and organized. She checked her calendar and to-do list for the day, making sure that she was prepared for the tasks that lay ahead. She wanted to show Mr. Thomas that she was a competent and reliable employee.

Just as she was finishing up, Mr. Thomas walked into her office. Emily felt a twinge of nervousness as she looked up at him. From office gossip and tabloid reports, she knew he was a no-nonsense kind of person, and she didn't want to give him any reason to doubt her abilities.

"Good morning, Mr. Thomas," she greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Emily," he replied, his tone business-like. "I have a few tasks for you to complete today. I expect them to be done with accuracy and efficiency, and on time."

Emily nodded, feeling the pressure already mounting. She listened as Mr. Thomas went over the tasks he needed her to complete, making mental notes and asking questions to clarify anything that she was unsure about.

As Mr. Thomas turned to leave, Emily felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that she had a lot of work to do, but she felt confident that she could handle it.

Throughout the day, Emily worked diligently on the tasks that Mr. Thomas had assigned to her. She double-checked her work and made sure that everything was perfect. There was no room for mistakes when it came to submitting anything in to Mr. Thomas. She wanted to show her director that she was a valuable asset to the company, one that he could rely to get things done.

As the day wore on, Emily found herself feeling more and more comfortable around Mr. Thomas. She realized that while he was strict and demanding, he was also fair and reasonable. He was willing to help her if she needed it and gave her constructive feedback when she made mistakes.

Emily began to see Mr. Thomas in a different light than she imagined him after what she had heard and read. She still found him intimidating, yes, but she also admired his professionalism and work ethic. She could see why he had risen to the top of the company so quickly, earning the reputation of a strict professional who accepted nothing less than the best.

As the workday drew to a close, Emily packed up her things and prepared to leave. She saw Mr. Thomas walking out of his office at the same time and decided to say goodbye to him.

"Good night, Mr. Thomas," she said with a smile.

"Good night, Emily," he replied, nodding at her. "Good job today. I was impressed with your work."

Emily felt a wave of pride wash over her at his words. She knew that she had worked hard and it was nice to be recognized for it. She smiled at Mr. Thomas and walked out of the building, feeling happy and satisfied with her day's work.

Over the next few weeks, Emily continued to work hard and impress Mr. Thomas. She completed her tasks with more and more accuracy and efficiency, and he began to show trust in her more and more. Emily felt a sense of satisfaction knowing she had earned herself a spot on his list of employees he not only respected but trusted as well.

As the days went on, Emily couldn't stop the growing attraction she felt toward Mr. Thomas. She knew that it was unprofessional to have a crush on her boss, but she couldn't help the way that she felt. There was something about his intensity and dedication that made her heart race. She often imagined his strong hands on her body, his lips on hers, his breath on her skin. Was it wrong? Probably. But, honestly, any warm-blooded woman would do the same if they laid eyes on the gorgeous specimen that was Mr. Evan Thomas. She would catch herself daydreaming throughout the day and would shake herself straight. The last thing she needed or wanted was to get caught staring into space and not focusing on her assignments.

Chapter 3

The First Mistake

Emily had been working under Mr. Thomas for several months now and had become a valuable member of his team. She had earned his respect and trust, and he relied on her to complete important tasks.

One day, Mr. Thomas asked Emily to prepare a report for an upcoming meeting. It was a detailed report that required a lot of research and analysis, and Emily knew that she had to get it right. No room for mistakes. She spent hours working on the report, making sure that everything was accurate and up to date.

As the day of the meeting approached, Emily felt confident that she had done a good job. She submitted the report to Mr. Thomas, feeling proud of her work.

However, when Mr. Thomas reviewed the report, he found an error. Emily had missed a key piece of information that was necessary for the report to be complete. Mr. Thomas was visibly angry and disappointed in her.

"Emily, I can't believe that you missed this," he said sternly while pointing out her mistake. "This was an important detail that needed to be included in the report. You need to be more careful and thorough in your work." The irritation in his voice was a palpable presence between them.

Emily felt a knot form in her stomach as she realized her mistake. She knew that Mr. Thomas had high standards and that mistakes were not tolerated, no matter how minor. Shame and embarrassment washed over Emily, knowing that she had let him down.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thomas," she said, her voice shaking a bit. "I'll make sure that it doesn't happen again. I will correct this right away."
