Page 214 of Falling For The Boss

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Mr. Thomas took her hand and squeezed it gently. "I love you too, Emily," he said, his voice soft. "And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

Emily smiled back at him, feeling grateful for the risks they had taken to be together. She knew that their love was worth any challenge that may come their way, and she felt blessed to have found someone who shared her passion for making a difference in the world.

Chapter 9

Happily Ever After

Over the next few years, Emily and Mr. Thomas continued to work together to make a difference in the world. They continued to travel to various countries, helping to build schools and providing education to underprivileged children and teaching basic life skills to those seeking help.

Their nonprofit organization continued to grow, and they were able to help more and more children and families every year. Emily was proud knowing they were making a real difference in the world. They were helping people change their lives for the better.

But as their work became more demanding, Emily and Mr. Thomas found that they had less and less time for each other. They were always traveling and working, and they rarely had a chance to simply relax and enjoy each other's company.

One day, when they were sitting on a beach in Thailand, Mr. Thomas looked at her and smiled. "Emily, I've been thinking," he said, his voice serious.

Emily looked at him, feeling a bit nervous. She wondered what he was going to say.

"I think it's time for us to take a break," he said, his voice soft. "I want us to take some time off and just be together, without any distractions."

Emily felt her heart race at his words. She knew how important their work was, but she also couldn't deny how much she missed simply being with Mr. Thomas.

"I think that's a good idea, Evan," she said, her voice filled with agreement. "I miss us."

Mr. Thomas smiled at her, his eyes filled with love. "Me too, Emily," he said, his voice soft. "I miss being able to just sit and talk with you." He kissed her. “I miss you.”

Over the next few weeks, they took some time off from their work and traveled to different parts of the world for enjoyment and not work. They spent time relaxing on the beach, exploring new cities, and simply enjoying each other's company.

As they spent time together, Emily couldn't help but feel grateful for the risks they had taken to be together all those years ago. She knew that their love was worth any challenge that may come their way, and she felt blessed to have found someone like Evan, whose heart and compassion matched her own.

One day, as they were sitting on a mountaintop in Switzerland, Evan looked at her and smiled. "Emily, I have something to ask you," he said, his voice serious.

Emily looked at him, feeling a bit nervous. She wondered what he was going to say.

"Emily, I know that we've been through a lot together," he said, his voice soft. "You have been my constant cheerleader and supporter. You have been there working alongside me every step of the way as we built our charity. Through the good times, you have loved me. Through the rough times, you have given me encouragement and provided the light I needed to find my way through. I love you, Emily, with everything I am. Will you marry me?"

Tears filled her eyes at his words. She looked at him and smiled, overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the man who held her heart and world in his hands.

"Yes, Evan," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I will marry you."

He pulled out a ring and slid it onto her finger. Emily’s heart raced as she looked at the beautiful diamond ring.

"I love you, Emily," Mr. Thomas said, his voice soft. "And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Emily smiled at him, feeling grateful for the risks they had taken to be together. She knew that their love was worth any hardship that may come their way, and she couldn't wait to start the next chapter of their life together.

And so, just a few months later, Emily and Evan Thomas were married in a small ceremony surrounded by their closest friends and family. They continued to work together to make a difference in the world, but they also made time for each other and their love continued to flourish.

Years later, as they sat on their porch watching the sunset, Emily looked at her husband and best friend and smiled. "I love you," she said, her voice filled with love.

Evan took her hand and squeezed it gently. "I love you too, Emily," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "And I'm grateful for every moment we've spent together."

Emily leaned her head against his shoulder, peace settling over her. She couldn't believe how far they had come and how much they had accomplished together.

As they sat there watching the sun set over the horizon, Emily felt a sense of contentment. She knew that their love had been worth every risk they had taken and every challenge they had overcome.

She looked at Evan and smiled, feeling grateful for the love they shared. She knew that they had a lifetime of happiness ahead of them, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

And so, they continued to work together to make a difference in the world, but they also made time for each other and cherished every moment they spent together.
