Page 231 of Falling For The Boss

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Those fireworks were beautiful to watch, but they were nothing compared to what’s going on in my chest when Ham says that.

Says he loves me. Loves me. And has been in love with me for some time.

I’m not sure it’s possible for my heart to be thumping like it’s trying to break free of my rib cage. It’s all I can do to clutch at my chest and try to breathe, all the while blinking those little pinpricks of tears from my eyes.

Ham loves me.

“Are you okay?” he asks with concern.

“Either my heart is about to explode, or I’m in love with you, too,” I manage to croak.

His smile of relief stops the blinking from working and a tear slips out of my eye. “I hope it’s the latter. I’m not sure I can handle another near-death experience.”

“I think it might be.”

“You think?”

My smile is a bit trembly but it manages to wipe the worry from Ham’s expression. “I know.” I reach for his hand and hold it tight. “I love you, too, Hamilton Short. And not just because you saved my life.”

“It’s because I take you to the movies.” Ham nods solemnly as a laugh—painful, but a laugh nonetheless—escapes me. “And some of them aren’t very good movies, but I don’t complain. Nor do I complain when you drive like a maniac.”

“Oh, I think there was some complaining,” I remind him. I’m about to elaborate but Ham cups my cheek, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip in a way that is very distracting.

“How much pain are you in?” he murmurs.

“Not that much.” It’s not his tie that I grab but the front of his sweater as I pull him down to me. “Not enough to miss out on this.”

And then Ham’s lips are pressed against mine and there’s nothing more to say.

Chapter Ten

We stay in that little cabin, in the woods bordering Siberia, for another two days, long after the storm blows itself out, eating whatever food Ham brought with him and melting snow to drink when we run out of water.

I would have stayed longer, since I wasn’t at all hungry for food. I wanted more of someone long and lean, with dark blue eyes full of love and a smile that warms every part of me. But finally Ham said we had to go home, and I conceded by confessing that I missed seeing him in his suits. Ham countered by taking off what clothes he had on and asked if I was sure I missed the suits.

We almost miss our extraction time.

About the Author

Holly Kerr is the author of over twenty-five sweet romantic comedy and women’s fiction novels. She grew up a country girl but now calls Toronto home.

Her Charlotte Dodd series came about after watching every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alias, plus many movies that have a feisty, funny, butt-kicking female lead.

There’s really not enough of them.

She’s a lover of Marvel movies, Star Wars movies...really, any movies, and has a surprising amount of worthless pop culture info stored in her head. She likes oceans over mountains, tea over coffee, and can mix a darn fine dirty martini. With extra olives, of course.

Visit her at to sign up for her newsletter, find out more about her books, or just say hello.

Serenading the Boss

USA Today Bestselling Author

Leanora Cowan

Chapter One

"There will be a lot of changes in the next few months," Zane Winters, the owner, and CEO greeted the room full of executives at Diamond Records, drawing Nivea Daniel's attention away from her tablet as she browsed through her reports.
