Page 241 of Falling For The Boss

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“You’re going to be fine,” Dena says as she hands me a cup of coffee. I can always count on my roommate to bring me down from an oncoming panic attack. Which I never experienced until I got pregnant last year.

The guy was meant to ease my pain and nothing more, but then ten weeks later I was staring down at two pink lines. Not knowing what else to do, I went back for two weeks straight, hoping to run into him. As a father, he deserved to know.

Unfortunately, I never saw him again and eventually gave up the search. Without a last name, finding him would be impossible. My first panic attack occurred when my doctor told me that I was having twins.

Here I was, a young woman, just starting out in a career, and I was having twins. It was a terrifying revelation. Luckily, my best friend, Dena, took my hand and committed to helping me raise the girls. Without her and my mother, I’d be so screwed.

“I know you’ll do great,” Dena says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I wasn’t all that positive that I would be fine or do great. Prescott & Associates Law Firm is one of the biggest firms in New York City. Since I have been out of the work field for so long, no doubt I’m a bit rusty. What if I don’t make it past today? I need the money. Two little eight-week-old girls are depending on me.

Lifting the cup to my lips, I take a healthy sip of the scalding hot liquid. Cinnamon and mocha coats my tongue, instantly calming my overactive heart. Dena was a barista in our college years, and the girl knows how to make a cup of java.

After eating the sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich she made for me, I kiss my girls and wave to my mother. Swinging my purse over my shoulder, I follow my best friend out the door. The Uber is waiting out front when we descend the stairs, and the ride takes twenty minutes with the traffic. We pull up to the building with ten minutes to spare.

As we enter the building, Dena turns to me. “You’re going to be fine. Adam can be a bit closed off at times, but he’s a great man. I have no doubts you’re going to love it here.”

The clacking of our heels echoes in the empty lobby as we head for the elevators. Floor eight is nearly a replica of the first floor. A large lobby with a front desk, which I assume is where I will be working.

Starting for the large U shaped desk, I startle when Dena grips my arm, tugging me along. “That’s not your office.”

“My office?” I glance behind me with a furrowed brow. “I thought I was the new administrative assistant.”

“Not exactly.” She ushers me into a small office next to a much bigger one, with the name plate Adam Prescott on the door. “You will be the personal assistant to Mr. Prescott.”

“Oh.” I walk further into the room. Filing cabinets line one wall, a sofa and coffee table are against the opposite wall. I open the drawers on the desk. All are empty except for one. Inside is a new legal pad, a box of pens, a box of staples, and a bag of peppermints. Stuffing my purse into the bottom drawer, I follow Dena to the next office.

Mr. Prescott glances up when my friend opens the door. His gray-blue eyes lock with mine. “Uh, what can I do for you?”

Dena steps into the room. “I wanted to introduce you to your new assistant. This is Karri Jameson. Karri, this is your boss, Mr. Prescott.”

I cannot believe that after a year of searching for this man, he turns out to be my new boss. Mr. Prescott stands, coming around the desk to shake my hand. He is exactly as I remember him. Too handsome for his own good with a megawatt smile that lights up the room. That smile still gets to me.

Crap, how am I going to work for this man? The man that fathered my girls.

I need to get it together if I expect to keep this job. If he sees me stumbling over myself, I have no doubt that he will send me home before I’ve had a chance to settle in. As I place my hand in his, electricity blooms in my veins. It’s the same feeling I got that night so long ago.

Deep down, I wonder if he can feel it too. Surely, it’s not just me. His grip is firm as he gives my hand a shake. “Nice to meet you, Miss Jameson.”

Nice to meet you?

Does he not remember me? The thought saddens me, but I don’t have time to dwell on it. As his assistant, I have a job to do and I need to get myself under control.

I take a deep breath to clear my nerves. His eyes sparkle with amusement as I compose myself. If he doesn’t remember me, I’m not going to make a fool of myself. I’ll at least wait until the end of the day before I approach him. “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Prescott. I’m very excited to be here.”

He releases my hand, returning to his seat. “Good, I will let Dena show you around. I have a meeting in half an hour, so you most likely will not see me the rest of the day. I’ll leave some files on your desk, just take care of them before you leave today.”

“Yes, sir.” I don’t know what to think of the fact he doesn’t remember me. Stepping out of his office, I follow Dena as she gives me the full tour of the building.

The lounge is just around the corner from my office. Which is nice, I won’t have to go far for my cup of coffee. As I look around, I notice that it is fully stocked with a coffee station, refrigerator, and several round tables. Peeking inside the cabinets, I find coffee, tea, and multiple types of snack foods.

Dena grabs a granola bar. “Don’t be afraid to come in and grab a snack if you’re hungry. That’s what they’re here for. Most of the time we are so busy that this is what holds us over until we can break for food.”

“Got it.” Dang, sounds like I have my work cut out for me. Working in a doctor’s office was busy, but this sounds like it is on a whole other level of busy.

Dena takes me up to the tenth floor. Who knew that a law firm would need such a large building? “This is where you will find me.” She points to her office, which is only slightly bigger than mine. “I work for Mr. Michael Prescott.”

“Michael Prescott?” I only know of one Prescott. The name of the law firm doesn’t hint at a second Prescott. It just says Prescott and Associates. “There’s more than one Prescott lawyer?”
