Page 243 of Falling For The Boss

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Last year, right after I caught my girlfriend, Tammy, cheating on me, Marcus took me out to Elevation Lounge. That’s where I met Karri.

Marcus swings, his ball landing near the hole. “The one with the auburn hair that you were obsessed with for the longest time?”

He’s not wrong, she was all I talked about for months. The only reason I never went back to look for her was because that night was just a way to forget about our broken hearts. To find comfort in one another. “Yep.”

He lines up and hits the ball into the hole. “What, did you run into her again?”

“Yeah, something like that.” We trek to the next spot. “She’s my new assistant.”

Marcus is in the middle of drinking water. When I mention that she works for me, water sprays from his mouth. “She’s the new hire that Dena recommended?”

“Yeah, her roommate.” The golf ball lands in the pond with the force I use.

“Seriously?” A boisterous laugh causes him to double over. “This whole time you’ve been pining for the girl, and she has been right under your nose.”

“Stop laughing.” Picking up my water bottle, I down the contents in one go. “Besides, she’s my assistant now.” I let that sink in for a minute. “It’s not like Karri and I can pick up where we left off.” It would be a bad work ethic.

“Why not?” Marcus looks at me like I’ve grown an extra head. “She’s your assistant, it’s not like you’d be giving her preferential treatment. She isn’t competing with anyone.”

Though it’s true that she isn’t with a group of other women who also hold the titles as my assistant, it is still a bad idea to mix business with pleasure. If we were to go down that road, what happens when our romantic relationship doesn’t pan out. Then I would be left hunting for another assistant. I’m not willing to give myself that kind of headache, no matter how insanely attracted I am to her.

Chapter Three


It’s been four days since I started at Prescott & Associates. In those four days, I’ve only seen Adam once. The day I started working for him. Which was Monday. I’ve gotten the hang of things, thanks to Dena. She has been a real gem. With her help, I learned how to log into Adam’s calendar and schedule his meetings.

Having access to this calendar also means that I know he has been avoiding me. How do I know this? Because his schedule has been super light this week. Is he busy in the courtroom? Yes, but not so busy that he would be out of the office all week.

Speaking of his calendar. Good grief, the man has a ton of meetings coming up in the next couple of weeks. Most of them with celebrities of some kind. Rockers, actors, authors, pro wrestlers. I knew I would see some high-profile names working here, but I didn’t expect to see some of the highest profilers around.

Today, Adam has a meeting with a Rockstar I have idolized for years. Ash Kramer from Tainted Souls. I wonder if I’ll get a chance to catch a glimpse of the man. Would Adam be mad if I happened to run into Ash in the hall and introduced myself. It’s not like we are complete strangers, after all, I did speak with him twice this week concerning the meeting today.

The sound of a door slamming draws me from my thoughts. I stand to go investigate. Surely it wouldn’t be Adam, that man seems to be avoiding me like the plague. When I step out into the hall, I see that his light is on. Giving one firm knock on his door, I swing it open and my eyes go wide as saucers.

Adam is standing in the middle of his office, shirtless. Not knowing what else to do, I shut my eyes and close his door. I’m so stunned that I cannot move. Catching him in his office, changing outfits, seems like a crime. One I might be punished for.

Will he get mad and fire me? Reprimand me for barging in on him.

I mean, it’s not like it was my fault. The door was unlocked, and I did give a firm knock before opening it. If he didn’t want to be caught with his shirt off then he should have taken the two seconds to turn the lock.

A minute later, Adam opens his door. I’m afraid to open my eyes, afraid of what I may find in his. Anger is the last thing I want to see on his face. He grips my wrist and tugs me into his office. We’re close enough I feel his warm breath on my cheek. “Look at me, Karri.” I shake my head, and he runs a finger along my jaw. “Look at me.” His voice is tender, reminding me of our time together.

The last thing I want to do is open my eyes, because I know he will be able to see the longing in them.

“Karri.” The way he says my name in a half whisper sends shivers down my spine. That right there can bring me to my knees and have me doing anything he wants.

Inhaling a deep breath, I release it and then look up at Adam. His gray/blue eyes penetrate my soul. Just like that first night, I find myself captivated. Lost in his soft gaze. “I’m sorry, Adam.” I didn’t mean to call him by his first name. We’re at work, it’s supposed to be professional. Adam just slipped from my lips before I could think better of it. “I mean, Mr. Prescott.” Jeez, I’m just flubbing up left and right.

Come on earth, open up and swallow me whole.

He releases a breath and takes a step back, putting some distance between us. It’s absurd, but I miss the closeness of his body, the warm breath caressing my face. “You cannot go around opening my office door without me inviting you in.”

“Sir,” I say, then pause to wet my lips, a nervous habit I have. “I didn’t mean to barge in. How was I supposed to know that you were without a shirt?”

A smirk appears on his handsome face. “Shirt or no shirt, you knock and wait for an invitation.”

“Oh.” Well, this conversation has become awkward. Now, I don’t even remember why I came to speak with him. Jeez, maybe I should just hand in my two-week notice and start job hunting. There is no way I can work for this man and not get all in my head. Especially with the secret I have.
