Page 245 of Falling For The Boss

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Taking a step closer, I lean forward and smell her hair. Coconut, just as I remember.

“Look at me, Karri.” She shakes her head, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. I need to see her hazel pools, the very ones that visit me in my dreams. “Look at me.”

Karri shifts on her feet, her breathing growing heavy. Is she thinking about me? I want to believe that I am the cause of her sudden vulnerability.

“Karri.” Having her this close is stirring up feelings, causing her name to leave my lips on a half whisper.

With a slight shiver, she inhales a deep breath and gazes up at me. The glimmer in her beautiful hazel pools leaves me breathless. “I’m sorry, Adam.” Glancing away, she says, “I mean, Mr. Prescott.”

That right there is like a splash of cold water, reminding me that I am her boss. Kissing her would be wrong on so many levels. Releasing a breath, I step away from her. “You cannot go around opening my office door without me inviting you in.”

“Sir.” She fidgets, wetting her lips. “I didn’t mean to barge in. How was I supposed to know that you were without a shirt?”

“Shirt or no shirt.” She squirms and I smirk. “You knock and wait for an invitation.”

“Oh.” She looks rather uncomfortable. That’s a good thing, maybe it will keep her at a distance and prevent me from doing something I shouldn’t.

“Karri.” She blinks. “Why did you come to see me? Is there a change I need to know about?” A glance at my watch shows that Ash is due in twenty minutes. I need to get this rolling along so I can prepare.

Extending her hand, she shoves a small stack of papers at me. “These were sent over this morning concerning Mr. Ash Kramer.”

“Thank you.” I take the papers and start scanning them, ignoring her completely. Does that make me a jerk? Yes, but I can’t afford to get distracted by her again. Not right now.

After a few seconds of silence, she takes the hint and exits. I immediately feel like a heel, but it’s what needs to be done to keep this professional. Collecting my file from the cabinet, I sit and do my best to study the notes, but my mind keeps wandering back to Karri and the hurt I could see on her face when I glanced over the top of the papers as she backed out of the office.

The more I try to focus, the more Karri invades my mind. I want her like I’ve wanted no other, not even my ex that broke my heart. When I met Karri, we instantly connected. All these months she has been on my mind and in my heart. How a stranger can worm their way into another person’s heart in just a few short hours boggles me, but she did.

After several minutes of reading the same line over and over again. I toss the papers to the side and stand. I only have about five minutes before Ash Kramer is due, but I cannot carry on like this. Marching out of my office, I open her door and waltz right in.

She turns around in surprise. “Mr. Prescott.” Tossing the granola bar on the desk like it’s on fire, she clutches her cup of coffee to her chest. “What can I do for you?”

My self-restraint has finally snapped. I can no longer deny what I want. It only takes three steps with my long legs to close the gap between us. Reaching out, I take the cup from her hands and set it next to the granola bar. Her eyes track my every move.

Beautiful, that’s what she is. Taking her face in my hands, I lean in and take what I’ve wanted since the moment she waltzed into my office on Monday. Kissing her is a dream come true. She is everything and more.

Breaking the kiss, I lean back just enough to see her face. “Tell me you’ve thought about me.”

“I have.”

Yes. Sweet victory.

Cupping her face, I lean forward to press my lips to hers once more. This time when I deepen the kiss, she grabs my suit jacket and holds tightly. I think it’s time I take my friend’s advice. Marcus is right, by dating Karri I would not be showing favoritism. There are no other assistants she is competing with.

“Have dinner with me,” I say between kisses.


Smiling, I rest my forehead against hers. “Perfect. Finish up whatever you have left. As soon as I finish with Mr. Kramer, I’ll swing by your place.”

She glances down at the pantsuit she’s currently wearing. “Um, what do I wear?”

Stepping away, I look her up and down. “Truthfully, you could wear a bubble gum wrapper and look gorgeous.” When she gaps at me, I smirk. “Wear a dress, I want to treat you to a nice meal.”

The smile that graces her lips makes me want to cancel on Ash Kramer and take her home now. Unfortunately, I’m nothing if not purely professional. That means business comes first and pleasure comes second.

As I cross the threshold, I wink, which causes a pretty shade of pink to spread across her cheeks. “See you at seven.”

Chapter Five
