Page 247 of Falling For The Boss

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Though this is nice, I can’t help but think of the life we could have. The life our daughters could have.

Once our plates are empty, and the bill is paid, I decide it’s time to tell him the truth. As I open my mouth, he starts talking more about the Kramer case. Not wanting to interrupt, I listen and offer advice when he asks for it. Which is only twice.

Then he says the one thing that prevents me from sharing my secret.

“Thank God, they don’t have children. Could you imagine that complication?” He slips his hand in mine, completely oblivious to my turmoil. “And that is why I will never have kids.”

Chapter Six


It’s been two months since our first date, and we’ve gone out almost every night since. Much to my dismay, our evenings always seem to be cut short. She either has a family emergency, or is too tired to continue spending time together after our dates.

I’m starting to wonder if she feels as strongly for me as I do for her.

Did I do something to make her build these walls that are successful at keeping me at a distance?

Today, she is hiding out in her office. Not once has she come out for coffee or one of those granola bars she loves so much. Not knowing where I stand with her, I decide to grab a coffee and a donut from the box I brought in this morning, and pay her a visit.

The door is cracked open, so I nudge it with my foot and enter her office. She glances up and smiles at the sight of the donut. “You brought me sugar?”

“I did.” Handing her the sugary treat, I perch on the edge of her desk. “Karri, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

Just as I open my mouth, a crying baby has us both turning toward the door. An older woman is pushing a stroller with one hand and bouncing a distraught baby with the other. I don’t recall having a meeting today. “Can I help you?” I ask.

Before the woman can respond, Karri jumps out of her chair and rushes to grab the crying infant. She rocks the baby back and forth while humming softly. I’m in complete shock. Who is this woman, and why is Karri tending to one of the babies like a loving mother?

The woman strokes the head of the sleeping baby in the stroller. “I’m sorry, Karri, but I can’t seem to calm her. Jasmine has been crying nonstop. The pediatrician recommends we bring her in so they can examine her.”

Karri nods. “Take Sophia to the car, we’ll be down shortly.” The older woman nods and leaves the office.

“Karri?” What in the world is going on?

“Adam, I don’t have time for your questions.” She gathers her belongings while kissing the baby. “We need to talk, but right now I need to get my daughter to the doctor.”

Her daughter? I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. The fact that she’s a mom leaves me feeling ice cold inside. “You’re a mom?” Quickly backing away, I put much needed space between us. “You’re a mom and you let me kiss you? Date you?”

Because I don’t want kids, dating a woman with children is a no-go for me. I don’t need the hassle. What a shame, because I’m really starting to develop deep feelings for her. Well, at least I know why she has been cutting our nights short.

“Okay, don’t be overly dramatic.” She slips the strap of her bag over her shoulder. “Yes, I have kids. Twins, in case you missed that fact.”

I suddenly wish that my meeting with Ash Kramer was anywhere other than here. It was a mistake to think I could date my assistant. Shame on me for not keeping this relationship strictly professional.

As I watch her move toward the door, I realize that I cannot work with her. Not after I let myself get attached. No matter how much I want her, I can’t have her. Not with kids in the mix. “Karri, don’t bother trying to explain this to me, I’m not interested. In fact, I think it might be best if you search elsewhere for a job.”

All the color drains from her face. “Oh my God, you’re firing me because I have kids?” Before I can respond, she marches right up to me and slaps me with her one free hand. “They’re yours, stupid.” Shouldering past me, she hugs her baby to her chest and storms out.

Crossing the threshold, I watch her walk down the hallway. Ash Kramer stops her on his way to my office. They chat for a brief moment while he takes the baby’s hand in his and wiggles it, like that will miraculously stop the crying. They shake hands and he pushes the button for the elevator, making sure she gets inside safely.

The moment she steps into the steel box, her words finally register. They’re mine? As in, I’m the father of her…twins? Not one, but two.

One thing is for certain, I cannot have this meeting with Mr. Kramer. My mind is in complete chaos right now. Continuing with the meeting would be fruitless and a waste of time for the both of us.

As Ash approaches me, I pull in a lungful of air. “I am so sorry that you’ve come all this way, Mr. Kramer, but I have to cancel this meeting. I realize the hearing is vastly approaching, but I have to leave. It’s an emergency.”

It’s not a total lie, I am leaving. I’m just not leaving the building. I need to head upstairs and speak with my father. He is the only one I trust to help me with this situation. Sure, I could talk to Marcus, but I have a feeling that would not provide any solutions to my current problem.
