Page 251 of Falling For The Boss

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Her eyes bounce between mine. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that I’m falling for you. As painful as it was to learn that you kept these girls a secret from me, it was four times as painful not being with you.”

She smiles. “I’m falling for you too.” Throwing her arms around my neck, she kisses me. The moment is absolutely perfect, until a shrill cackle pierces through the air. Karri pulls away and tends to the baby that is slapping at her leg.

I figure now is the time to be formally introduced to my girls. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to officially meet the girls.”

A smile, so bright it lights up her eyes, forms on Karri’s face. She picks up the baby closest to us, the one wearing purple, and hands her to me. “This is Jasmine.”

“Hi, Jasmine.” The baby blows spit bubbles and bounces in my arms.

“And this is Sophia.” Karri picks up the other baby, wearing a pink dress that otherwise matches the one Jasmine is wearing.

I never expected that having kids would excite me. In fact, on the way over this evening, I wasn’t sure what I would feel once I was introduced to them. The overwhelming joy at holding Jasmine was not what I expected, but it is definitely welcome.



When Adam took that step to become a father to our girls, I was overjoyed. Knowing my daughters would get to have a relationship with the man responsible for creating them, meant everything to me.

What I didn’t expect was for him to confess that he had been falling in love with me. Words cannot adequately describe how happy that made me.

It only took him a week to convince me to move in. What I lacked in baby equipment, he purchased. Not that the girls needed the new items, we had the essentials, but he wanted to ensure they had everything they wanted. Well, what he wanted for them.

Adam offered to let me stay home with the girls, but I enjoy the tasks of the job. Being his assistant fills me with purpose. Since I didn’t want to quit, and neither of us wanted the girls too far away, Adam remodeled one of the spare office spaces on our floor into a childcare wing. My mother is still their caretaker during work hours, but since their nursery is just down the hall, we can visit them throughout the day.

To top it off, Adam pays my mother a salary. His argument for doing so. “We would naturally pay for daycare or a nanny. Why not give it to your mother?”

I couldn’t argue with that. My mom does a lot for me and the girls. She deserves to be compensated for her work. Let’s face it, taking care of the twins is hard work. Especially now that they are learning to crawl and get into everything.

Who would have thought that meeting a stranger in a bar would lead to love and children? Not me, but I’m certainly glad it did.
