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“Number Three…”

Thank the gods of game shows I get to answer first.

“What is a pickup line that you would normally use, and do you think it would work on me?”

I tap my finger to my mouth to stall while I try to come up with a half-decent reply. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?”

She laughs and says, “That is pretty lame, Number Three. Do you think it would work on me?”

“We’ll find out soon enough.”

The audience claps, and I do a “what can I say” kind of shrug.

Kenna snorts. “Oh, you are very confident of yourself. Number Two? What about you?”

“I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.”


I know she’s supposed to flirt with all three of us, but she actually sounds like she’s leaning toward Number Two. In the real world, she probably would choose him, and I don’t like that at all.

“Actually, Number Two, I think it would work.”

The audience oohs and aahs while I growl. I hope my mic didn’t pick that up.

Kenna clears her throat and replies, “But you seem out of focus to me.” She laughs at her joke, and Number Two clenches his jaw. I guess he doesn’t like someone who outsmarts him. Two points for Kenna.

“Bachelor Number—”

The theme song interrupts her, and Stu says, “Oh, I’m sorry, Ms. Frye, but time is up. After this brief message, you will choose your Music City Match.”

“And… cut.”

The three of us dudes slump. I wish my stool had a back because I would like to collapse into it. I never realized how much pressure it is to be in front of the camera and to pretend to be clever.

Number Two pokes me in the chest and says, “Bro, I don’t know how you did it, but you stole my answer to the last question.”

I lean away from him and say, “Are you serious? You did that to me on all the other questions.”

Phoebe rushes out to the stage and interrupts us. “Guys, stop. We are about to go live again. Stow it.” She points to each one of us. Number Two holds his hands out in front of him, and I have to say, he’d probably be the best candidate for Kenna if this were real. He’s nice and ignored Number One’s smarmy answers.

The theme song plays again, and like good little contestants, we sit up straight on our stools and wait for Stu to do his thing.

After the audience calms down, Stu says, “Okay, Kenna, you asked some very interesting questions and had time to think about your choice. What will it be?”

“It’s a really difficult decision.”


“But if I have to choose, I will pick… Number…”

I know Phoebe said to ham it up, but even this is going a bit over the top.


The camera swings around to me, and I smile in relief. Of course, she was supposed to pick me, but with my lousy performance, I was worried she really preferred one of the other guys. In real life, she probably does.

Chapter Five
