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I wipe my palms on my trousers, stand, and walk around the barrier to see her. A member of the audience whistles, which is something we don’t usually condone, but this is a special situation. With hesitant steps, I approach her, take her hands in mine, and kiss her on the cheek. She is as stiff as a brick. If I made things worse between us, I’ll never forgive myself.

Stu does his spiel, and while we wait to choose our destination, I lace my fingers through hers and give her hand a squeeze. Kenna stares at Stu, waiting for the next move. I guide her closer to the guitar case full of date options. Her hand hovers over the choices as if she can’t decide which to choose. Once she picks her card, she hands it to Stu’s hostess, who in turn delivers it to Stu with a flirty wave to the crowd.

“Let’s see what the happy couple will do on their date.” He unfolds the card and smiles. “Kenna and Pryce will go on a sunset cruise on the Jackson Showboat.”

Kenna’s surprised expression is all I need to see. She jumps in my arms and whispers, “I have always wanted to do that.”

“I know,” I whisper back. “That’s why every card in the guitar case has the same destination.”

She pulls back from me and cocks her head to the side. “I don’t understand. Why did you do this? You could get fired.”

I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her close then rest my forehead against hers. “Kenna, I meant every word. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever known. You made coming to work every day such a joy because I knew you would be right by my side.”

Kenna’s hands shake, and her bottom lip quivers.

“But I had a thing for you a long time ago.” Confession is good for the soul.

She scans the studio before mumbling, “Can we have this conversation in private… not in front of a studio audience?”

She takes a step off stage, but I pull her close again, and I let out a sigh. I’ve come this far, I might as well go all in. “When I saw you lugging your brother’s duffel bag into the dorm room all those year ago, I was one hundred percent smitten, but I brushed it off. Plus, your brother would have kicked my butt if I said anything. I guess I buried those feelings for a long time.”

She gulps and says, “Speaking of Will, my brother is going to have a fit when he sees this episode.”

Chuckling, I slide a stray hair behind her ear. “For starters, we faked the filming. I would be in all sorts of hot water if we let a contestant go on a second date.” I motion for the gaffer to kill the studio lights. They click off and Kenna blinks her eyes as she takes in her surroundings.

Her mouth drops.

“Secondly, the audience should look oddly familiar to you.” I wave my hand toward the entire crew, which makes up the audience. Phoebe, sitting in the front row, blows Kenna a kiss and waves.

“How did you…”

I place a hand on each of her shoulders and stare into her beautiful eyes. “And lastly, I told Will how I feel about you.”

Her eyes get misty as she blinks away tears. “Really?” Her voice is soft and angelic.

“Yep. I’m tired of being in denial. I really care for you, and I want to see where this goes.”

Kenna lunges at me and wraps her arms around my neck. “This is way better than working for you.”

After a kiss to her cheek, I take a step back. “Yep. I am no longer your boss. And you are no longer an assistant. You, Kenna Frye, are the new contestant coordinator for Music City Match.”

She stumbles backward, but I slide an arm around her waist to draw her close. “What? What about Phoebe?” She stares into the audience as they stand to cheer. The ovation is deafening.

“Phoebe turned in her notice. She missed being with her kids, and now that baby number four is on the way, she decided it was time to pass the torch to someone new. She believes in you. And, well, I do too.”

Her mouth opens and closes as if she can’t find the words. “I don’t know what to say.”

I cup her chin with my hand and kiss her tender lips. “Please say I’m not wrong about us.”

She pulls my face down to give me a fast smooch on the lips. “Oh, Pryce. You are right.”

I never thought this game show would actually produce more than one date for any of the couples, but I’m a believer now—big time. There is something magical about this show, this city, and especially Kenna. Having her by my side is a match only Music City could provide. Music City Match. I found my match today. I’m one lucky guy.

About the Author

Cindy Dorminy is the author of nine young adult and adult contemporary romances about love where it’s least expected. She loves rom-coms, weight lifting, dachsies, and of course, her husband and daughter. Cindy resides in Nashville, TN where live music can be heard everywhere, even at the grocery store.
