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She leaned back in her chair. “Look, I don’t want to be negative Nancy, but Mr. Longford’s replacement is going to have it rough. The last three new guys flamed out within a month, and I’m stuck picking up their slack every time, cause you know how my boss loves to work eighteen-hour days.” She glanced toward her boss’s office behind her. “It’s exhausting. If I didn’t have to worry about bills, I’d be out of here faster than you can say ‘overworked and underpaid’.”

Her computer chimed, the familiar sound of receiving a new email. Laura shook her head and continued typing. “Mr. Curran is on a warpath today. I swear he has emailed me twenty times already, and I haven’t even had time to finish my first cup of coffee. Why can’t he be the one retiring? He’s like five years older than your boss.” She patted her leg and leaned back in her chair. “Oh wait, there is always a chance I would get stuck with someone even worse.”

Mr. Curran strolled out of his office and his eyes landed on me, looming over his assistant’s desk. His pinstriped suit was immaculate, his expression scary. The disapproval was radiating off of him as I sat on the edge of her desk. Laura peered up as his eyes shifted between the two of us. I chose my words and met his gaze without flinching. “Anyway, I’ll get out your hair,” I said and stepped away from her desk. His stern gaze followed me until I was back in my chair.

I spun the tape dispenser around in my hands, and a chill ran down my spine as I contemplated all the changes that would come with his departure. Laura had been working longer days and I would soon be in her shoes.

As his assistant, oh wait… Stupid me just assumed I was staying on as his assistant, yet I hadn’t even thought to confirm that with them? Surely they wouldn’t be letting me go? My fingers tug at the hem of my shirt as I thought about my future with this company. What if he already had his own assistant? There would be no room for me. The bills wouldn’t pay themselves - I needed this job to survive.

I took a deep breath and tried to swallow the anxiety bubbling up in my throat. Years of experience had taught me to expect the needs of my boss. As Mr. Longford’s assistant, I was his scheduler, excuse maker, even wedding gift sender when necessary. I knew everything about his personal life, including what groceries he ordered. Pathetic, right? I started thinking about my Mr. Kneeland. He was in his late thirties, had brown hair, a bit of scruff, and big brown eyes. Judging by his looks, he had no problems getting attention anywhere he went, and that worried me. Dealing with crazy ex-lovers or clingy one-night stands was not my thing. That was where I drew the line.

I stared at my computer, clicking away as emails and phone calls flew in from every direction. Suddenly, Mr. Longford and Mr. Kneeland emerged from the conference room, laughing uproariously. As I listened to their jocular tones, I couldn’t help but think that one of two things must be going on: either my boss was telling some of his unfunny jokes, or Mr. Kneeland was trying to butter him up. They walked right past my desk without stopping and went into his office. I took it the meeting went well.

My mouse pointer drifted over the home icon on my desktop before I double clicked and brought up the shutdown option. I detached my phone from its charger, slipping it into my purse as I grabbed my keys. My work day was done, unless Mr. Longford had a last-minute request. I was looking forward to a long soak in the tub for some much needed relaxation. The chair squeaks as I rolled it beneath the desk.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He called out to come in.

I stepped in, my eyes shifting around the room. He was sitting at his desk with a pile of paperwork in front of him and glasses perched on his nose. He waved me forward until I was standing next to Mr. Kneeland, who was sitting in a chair in front of his desk.

“Things going well today, sir? You seem more chipper than usual?” I asked.

He removed his glasses. “It’s all because of this guy. You’re going to like him. He has an old soul despite his young appearance.”

Well, there went my worries. “So, you are keeping me on as your assistant, then?” My eyes landed on his.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Taking over his spot are some big shoes to fill, but hopefully you can keep me grounded. The master scheduler, he calls you.”

Before I started here, Mr. Longford had an assistant who couldn’t for the life of her keep his schedule straight. She kept overbooking him for meetings, and when they let her go, he found my application. “I'm great at making sure you don't have to be in two places at once.”

Flashing my eyes around the room, I surveyed the area. Mr. Kneeland was staring at me, and I didn’t dare meet his eyes. “Well, it was nice to meet you.”

“I’ll see you in the morning with another cup of coffee. I stop on my way to work, so I can save you a trip. Mr. Longford said your favorite is a venti mocha with extra whipped cream and two extra shots of espresso?”

A grin crept onto my face. “Precisely, sir.”

“Oh, and don’t call me, sir. No offense to my partner here, but I’m not a sir. You can just call me Matt.”

He wanted us to be on a first name basis, after one day?

“Understood. See you tomorrow, Mr. Longford and Matt,” I said, shutting the door behind me before grabbing my purse off the floor and racing for the elevator.

Tomorrow should be interesting…

Chapter Four


Moving around in the oversized bed, I extended my arms above my head and saw the sunrise pour into the penthouse. The rays turned everything yellow, casting strange shadows across the plush carpet and modern furniture. The air was cool and crisp, and my skin prickled with goosebumps beneath the blanket. In the distance, the city roared to life - sirens wailed and horns blared. I grew up in Amesbury, a quaint, sleepy town where even street lights dim after a certain hour. But here in New York City, the world was always open. That’s why I loved it. Even at three in the morning, I could get a hot coffee or fresh pastry on practically every corner. The city never slept, and neither did I.

Initially, I was uncertain if it was the ideal match for me, but trying it out for one year was beneficial for both of us. I needed to take the risk of trying something new.

Taking my time, I slowly lifted myself up in the bed, my feet sinking into the exquisitely soft and deep carpet beneath me. In the past, I could only just about make do with my average salary, so this was definitely not something I could normally afford. To ensure I had enough to cover the must-haves, I allocated a sufficient amount and the rest I put away in my savings accounts. My gaze swept across the room, taking in every detail - modern furniture with sleek lines, a few tasteful decorations giving it warmth and personality, and the apartment came fully furnished as a package deal - one less thing for me to worry about.

The bathroom had heated flooring, but I could learn to live with it. I twisted the golden knob on the shower. I stepped into the bathroom and twisted the golden knob of the shower. The hot spray washed away all my thoughts as I closed my eyes, enjoying a moment of solace before the chaos of New York began again. I tilted my head up towards the stream of water, humming softly. The marble walls glistened in the light, reminding me how lucky I was to have such luxurious amenities during my year here. A heavy sigh escaped my lips. No way I could find something this nice on my budget. The shower tiles were cool against my feet, but the steam embraced me like a comforting hug. As I lathered the shampoo in my hair, the smile on my mother’s face came to the forefront. Without her pushing me to accept, this wouldn’t even be happening.

Exhaling deeply, I emerged from the shower and stepped into the hazy bathroom, my hands pressing against the wall for support. Wisps of steam curled around me like a comforting embrace, allowing me to collect my thoughts before I dived into the day’s events. With a sense of purpose and energy, I reached for the towel rack and dry myself off. Once done, I stepped out refreshed and re-energized for the day.
