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Her body trembles in my arms and tiny drops of water hit my cheek.

I pull her back and search her face, studying her expression. Water rims pretty eyes so wide I can’t do anything but place tender kisses on her cheeks. “Don’t cry, baby.”

But I see more. Our siren isn’t the same anymore. A darkness lingers along the fringes in her eyes. Something has shifted. She is no longer the woman who gave herself to three men, who left caution and good sense at the door to seek out the pleasure she craved with us. She gave us something like we’ve never experienced that night, hooked us on her, and she’s looking at me right now like I’ve walked in from the grave.

“I’ve hurt for so long.” Her eyes puff up, and her lower lip trembles.

I cross the bathroom and place her on the sink so I can have my hands free to touch every exposed inch of her deliciously smooth skin.

“I’ve been so cold.”

Since the night she left us, I’ve suffered the same fate. Seth and Lucian too. We’ve monitored her from afar. Watched her shutdown month after month. Year after year, slowly cutting everyone out of her life until only work consumes her. The laughter, warmth and passion she carried inside her have dwindled, and I know for a fact the woman who raised her laughs herself to sleep every night knowing she wiped out any signs of pleasure Justice once had in her life.

I don’t know if the bitch takes pleasure in ruining other people’s lives just for fun or wants others to suffer alongside her own misery. Either way, it all ends now.

“I know. I know.” God did I know. Lucian and Seth have a tendency to be all macho bravo He-Men and sulk around with major sticks up their asses, only because they couldn’t deal. On the one hand I’ve had to deal with their bad attitudes for so long I think they’ve permanently grown a chip on their shoulders. On the other, I’ve dealt with my own shit—the actual physical pain from the gaping hole in my chest from not having her close to us. I’m a grown man with years of military life under my belt and I admit, this delicate flower crippled me for weeks. Only the thought of working out a plan to one day have her at our sides again gave me the strength to pull myself out of the bottle I tumbled into.

Not my finest moment, but there you have it. Justice made all of us whole, chased away the darkness war left on our souls. When we lost her, we lost our light, our reason for breathing and living.

I move my hands to the sides of her face and take that quivering lower lip between mine. Plump and moist. I groan. What starts out as a sweet kiss turns heated in seconds. My mouth crashes onto hers and I’m lost to time. She tastes of redemption, and I’m ready to pour my damn soul out to the woman five seconds after seeing her again.

She parts her lips and the first caress of my tongue over hers has me rock hard and spitting cum in my briefs. Knowing she is ours with no interruptions from the outside world for three whole days holds promise. If we can break through her cold exterior and find the real Justice beneath the wall of ice, maybe she will listen to us long enough to give us all another chance. Until now, we’ve kept our distance. Bid our time in order to make our world safe for her against the wrath of her manipulative cold-hearted mother.

I break away, staring into her eyes. I find a swirling mass of frustration and fear that stops me cold.

Her bottom lip peels away from the top making my cock jump with strong cravings to feel her lips on me again. Inappropriate timing or not, a spiral of lust coils tight in my balls.

I can sense Seth and Lucian waiting just outside the doors, hovering while I ease our siren into us being her purchasers from the auction.

“Jacob, what’s happening? Ghosts don’t kiss like that. At least I don’t think they should.” There’s a shattered pain buried deep within those pretty irises. A haunted look I don’t remember being there the last time we kissed. Something about the way her voice cracks pisses me off. She’s broken and it’s all our fault.

I give a dry laugh. “Ghosts, huh, sweet thing? I would hope not or I wouldn’t be able to do this.” I cup her sweet face, and she presses her cheek against my palm. Holding her gaze, I slowly lean in and wrap my lips around a nipple, taking the hard, engorged berry between my lips. My hand grazes down her body, over her ribs until I find what I want. She inhales sharply when I swirl a digit over her hard little clit. Wet and slick. Not from the bath. Not our siren. This wetness is all hers.

My cock turns into a rod in my pants. My pulse is a thundering wave in my ears, beating back good sense from reaching my brain. All I can see, smell, hear, taste is her.

She brushes my question aside with a shuddering sound. Her fingers are in my hair, guiding me lower. “Never mind. Oh, Jacob.”

My blood burns through every vein in my body, muscles straining, heart racing.

Three years. Thirty-six grueling months of not having her, sensing her needing us and not being able to go to her. Does anyone know what that does to a man? It leaves a man savage. Ready to burn the world to embers.

Using the pad of my thumb, I swirl her pleasure nub and dip the tip of a finger into her warm sheath. Her heels are planted on the counter and her legs have fallen wide open, giving me full access. I rake my teeth along her shoulder.

“I’ll bury my tongue in your sweet pussy later, baby. Lick up all that liquid candy,” I murmur as I lick a hot trail to her other nipple. I wrap my fingers around the heavy weight and tighten my grip the way she likes. She gasps quietly, clenching fistfuls of my shirt. She’s holding me so tight buttons pop and my dress shirt is left hanging open.

Like last time, I get the response I’m looking for. Wild Justice burning too hot, too fast.

Eyes fall to half-mast and the gasps falling from her lips feed my addiction to pleasure her. Justice presses her breasts into the palm of my hands. Her head is back, eyes shut, those pretty lips wide open. I rim her back entrance with her spilled juices, spreading lubricant there. We didn’t claim her here that first night, but we won’t make the same mistake twice. One push of my middle finger and I breach the forbidden, unyielding hole getting a carnal moan in return.

The flush on her cheeks burns brighter.

“Oh, God, Jacob.” Her head is shaking with disbelief. “I have to be dreaming. No way can this be true. Oh, God.” The prayer on her lips tore from her. She trembles in my hold, her pussy dripping hot cum on my fingers. I work her a little deeper, a little faster.

It does feel like a dream. I no longer care if this is a fantasy or reality. One pull of a pin and her hair tumbles loose in my hands. An aroma of roses and spices hit me and the sudden urge to wash her clean of perfume and bubble bath hits me hard. I want Justice’s scent filling my senses, not something manufactured and in a bottle.

Later. Right now, we have a lot to discuss.

Is it cruel leaving her on the edge like this? Hell yes.
