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I stumble away from the window, my breath caught in my throat.What?A million questions hit me. Did he name this place after me? That makes no sense. I pace in front of the bed piecing together the last however many hours I’ve been this man’s captive.

Another giggle winds through my bars. I stomp my bare foot on the floor and let out a growly scream. “You know what. That’s it! I’ve had enough of the games!”

I stick my hands out the window facing the pool and clank the metal on the window frame also made out of metal. He probably stuffs women in here all the time. Who else puts bars on a freaking window but a kidnapping, asshole of a mafia pirate?

“These are getting a little tiresome don’t you think?”

I can see his smile from the second floor. The smug fucker. How did I not know it was him our first night? That dimple in the chin should have been a dead giveaway.

My pulse thunders when the pounding of feet outside my door fills the room. “Oh shit.”

I try to duck into the bathroom but my door is thrown open and I'm over the pirate’s shoulder before I make it three steps.

“Good morning, princess. Up you go.”

“You oversized oaf! Put me down, asshole! Right now!” I bang my fists against his back but all I get is a smack on the ass.

“Be good. I don’t have time to put you on that bed and fuck you like I want right now so stop wiggling and be good.”

My heart thunders away, drowning out everything but the heat of this place and two other words—bed and fuck.

“At least, take these fucking cuffs off.” Wet leaves and fronds slap me in the ass as he expertly weaves us through the jungle. We’re back on the same path he carried me up last night only halfway to the beach he veers off to the left. A few more yards and we are on another beach, a different boat at the end of a very short dock. The waters are calmer here and barely make a sound as they lap at the white sand.

I should have listened to my father. Should have stayed back in Chicago, minded my elders and I wouldn’t be in this situation.But you also wouldn’t have had the night of your life or ticked off sex on the beach from your bucket list, says another voice. I shut them both up and pay attention to more important issues at hand like what he intends to do with me now.

“Where are you taking me?”

Lucas keeps pounding steps out, ignoring me and my fists against his back.

“Hey, are you deaf?”

I get another smack on my ass but this time he squeezes it too. “Shut up and enjoy the view.”

He comes to the end of the dock and I’m plucked in the middle of a small motorboat like a sack of potatoes. It rocks and some water spills over the side.

“Whoa. Is this thing seaworthy? Wait, how far out are we going?” All I get back from him is a blank stare and him tossing the dock line at my feet.

“This thing isn’t very big.” As in not made for going too far. That should give me comfort but all I can think is my father isn’t coming and this mafia pirate is going to off me, dump me just offshore, and be done with me. Revenge complete.

Lucas climbs into the boat and eyes me silently before pushing us off.

Behind me, there’s a bucket, some bricks, and a couple of gas cans. A roll of plastic too. All tools for getting rid of a body.

I whirl around. “Look, you don’t have to do this. We can talk this out. I can get my father to come here. He’ll listen. He’s not the man you think he is.”

Lucas turns an eye on me. “And what kind of man doyouthink he is?”

A smarter one than I ever give him credit for and I might not ever live to tell him to his face. “A smart one. A forgiving one. Or he can be.” I hope. In all honesty, I don’t know much about how forgiving my father is with his enemies.

“Believe me he’s not who he pretends to be for his little princess.”

“Don’t be so damn condescending to me. And stop calling me a princess. I’m not some helpless lamb here. I’m trying to help.”

“Helpless,” he repeats as if he’s never uttered the word before. “I guess that all depends on the point of view. A lamb? Not after what I’ve done to you.”

“You gonna keep throwing that in my face?”

“Enough. Your father is already on his way. Or at least he better be if he wants to see you again.”
