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Austin and Boone are clean-shaven and none of them have the tan lines of a wedding ring.

Large bay-style windows take up most of the front wall overlooking the lake. Sunbeams shatter the early morning darkness and shine a light on the darkest night of my life. Wind plays with a set of wind chimes, luring me outside.

I stand and make my way to the front door, but I only manage to get my hand on the knob before three muscled men are on top of me breathing down my neck.

“Where the hell do you think you are going?”

I peer over my shoulder. “For a walk. Anywhere that doesn’t have you three machoing around pounding your chests for five minutes.”

“No,” Boone says in a firm command that sends my back up.

Landry chuckles darkly while Austin shakes his head. In disbelief in me or his friend’s alpha stance, I don’t really know. They’ve been thick since long before me and share a lot of traits that draw me to them and frustrate me in equal parts. Boone is blunt and straightforward and has a hard time dealing with not having control of everything. They all get that way to certain degrees. None of them tolerate bullshit and command a room when they enter it.

“Lighten up a little, man. At least tell her why. Unless youwanther claws in you, that is.”

For a second I think I see him considering that option.

Unbelievable. “Are you telling me I’m not only trapped here on the mountain with you, but I can’t leave the cabin either? What are you guys, wild mountain men staking a claim over me?”

Austin hikes his broad shoulders. “It’s for your own safety, Honor.”

I turn to see three men staring at me. “I’m not going far in this and with these.” I point at my dress and hold up a sore foot. “I just want some fresh air. You can watch me through the window if that’ll make you happier.”

“Not in the least.” A muscle tics in Boone’s wide jaw and leaned up against the kitchen counter Landry, well, he’s saying everything he needs to with that hard stare of his.

He and Boone look like they’re fighting hard not to pull me away from the door and kiss me into submission.

What the heck am I thinking? Kissing? Confusion embroiled with the danger I’m in must have warped my mind. And old feelings stacked on top of that have me seeing things.

I didn’t dream of Austin kissing my leg earlier or imagine him calling me baby. And I sure the hell didn’t dream up the way Boone pulled me into him in the woods. His touch had been dominant, yet gentle. Controlling and possessive too.

I peer over my shoulder, torn. Arousal muddles my thoughts and concentration of why we are here in the first place. I open the door and move to step out, almost bumping into a sweet-faced blonde with a very round belly.

“Oh! I’m sorry.”

I throw out a hand. “Are you okay? Mercy, right?”

“Yes! Don’t worry. You’re all right, sweetie. I just wanted to stop by and check in. See if everything was okay? Plus I thought you could use these.”

Mercy offers a smile, and for the first time since last night the pinch between my shoulder blades eases.

“Thank you. Yes, we’re good. I guess.” I give the men a long side-eye. I take the folded bundle of clothes she offers. I can feel the heat of embarrassment at the way I must look in my ruined dress, and I think I still have leaves and twigs sticking out from my hair.

“Listen, you guys were so good to my friend and me last summer. I feel awful. I’m sorry I busted in here without letting you know and on top of that not paying. I swear I’ll make it right.”

Mercy bats my worries away with a wave of her hand and a smile. “Don’t worry about it. You’re good. Besides, your men took care of everything.”

“Oh, they’re not mine,” I start but the smirk on Mercy’s face has my words falling back onto my tongue.

The hinges of the door behind me squeaks, and I feel more than see all three of my bodyguards at my back.

Something Mercy must see on their faces has her chuckling. “I’ll be just down the road if you need anything.” She puts a hand on the bag she handed me and lowers her voice. “There are a few things in here you might like.”

And with that, she steps off the porch and makes her way back down the path.

A pang of jealousy hits me in my broken heart at what I wish I could have. I turn and come nose to chest with all three.

“Change of plans.” I push through the bubble wrap of muscle they seem to want to wrap me in. Any closer and I would be taped to their sides, I swear.
