Page 20 of Leo

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“Who’s ready for a party?” Henry asked. “I think Leo just pulled in.”

Gracie moved toward the door to let Leo in, and when he saw her, he took a deep breath as he scanned her from head to toe with his gaze. “You look stunning.”

“Thanks.” She noticed he was wearing a red and green flannel shirt open over a T-shirt and jeans. “You really don’t get cold, do you?”

“Not around you.”

“Jeez, bro,” Henry said. “You and the lines. You’re making me look bad.”

Kate chuckled. “Lucky for you, you have other skills.”

Henry slid an arm around her waist and pulled her in tight. He lowered his voice and said, “That I do.”

“And on that note,” Gracie teased, “we should get out of here.”

There was an after-party planned at the house, and Henry offered to drive so they’d all return home together. As they moved toward his car, Leo grabbed Gracie’s hand and stopped walking. He pulled her in close to kiss her. Her desire for him ignited as love swelled in her heart, and when they broke apart, she thought about how her night had been threatened by her mother. But none of it mattered now because Kate had been her fairy godmother, and she felt like a princess on her way to a ball with her handsome prince.



Leo heldthe door for Gracie as they entered the lodge for the employee party. One section of the main seating area at Sugar Mountain was partitioned off to create a space for the festivities. There were strands of lights hung from the rafters, linens on the tables, and light appetizers in the middle of each table. Kate and Gracie found a table to claim seats for the group while Leo and Henry made their way to the bar to purchase drinks.

As Leo stood with his friend in line, Henry said, “It appears things are going well with Gracie.”

“They are. I feel like the luckiest guy alive.”

“I can see that. Gracie seems to think the same thing. I’ve never seen her this happy,” Henry said. “Moving out of her mother’s house is a huge step I don’t think she’d have taken without you in her life.”

Leo had an idea of how big a move it was for Gracie, and he was thrilled that she’d done it on her own. “I didn’t make that happen. I found out she wanted to move when you did.” They’d reached the front of the line at the bar, and Leo said, “I’ve got these.” He turned his attention to the bartender. “Two white wines and I’ll take the draft IPA.”

Leo looked at Henry, who said to the bartender, “IPA for me too.” As they waited for drinks, Henry said, “Don’t sell yourself short. I’m not sure Gracie would have left her mother if she hadn’t had you for a reason. You’ve been good for her.”

“I hope so.” Leo tapped his credit card on the reader, and it beeped to indicate it had been processed.

Henry grabbed a glass of wine and his beer. “Kate says watching you two is like watching a romance movie.”

Leo smiled at the idea he was Gracie’s hero because he wanted her to be the main character in his life. After signing the bill, Leo picked up his drinks and the two men made their way over to the table where Gracie and Kate were talking to Tracy and a man he didn’t know.

Tracy smiled at the guys. “Henry, you remember Steve. Leo, this is my boyfriend.” The men shook hands, and Tracy said, “Leo came on to help us out through the holiday week. But I’m going to fight to keep him a while longer.”

Leo smiled politely at her before he handed Gracie her glass of wine. He couldn’t tell Tracy he’d only be sticking around long enough to convince Gracie to become his mate, so he asked, “When is the gift exchange?” Leo had been lucky enough to draw Gracie’s name, and he was anxious to give her his present.

Tracy said, “After we announce the employee of the year and Kurt, our general manager, makes his annual speech.”

Steve said, “Don’t worry, the man knows everyone is anxious for the buffet.”

“Nice to see you all here,” Tracy said. “Enjoy the evening. I have to make my rounds.”

She and her husband walked away, and Leo noticed a man had gotten behind the microphone on the temporary stage and that the crowd had quieted. “I think it’s speech time,” Leo said.

The crew took seats at their table. Leo snagged a piece of cheese and crunched a cracker as the speaker began. Steve was right, the award ceremony and speech were brief. And it wasn’t long before the employees were instructed to gather with the members of their department for the gift exchange.

Gracie, Leo, and Henry stood with the guest services employees by their designated tree. Leo, as well as most the rest of their department, had deposited his gift under the tree earlier that day. When Tracy asked Gracie to help her hand out gifts, Fiona insisted on helping, too. The first thing she grabbed was an envelope that she brought to Leo. She said, “I drew your name, and I think you’re going to like my present.”

Leo nodded at Fiona, unsure he wanted to open her gift. The envelope was smooth in his fingers as he ripped the seal, and he found she’d given him a one-month membership to a gym. A place he had no intention of visiting, but he said, “Thank you. What a thoughtful gift.”

“I work out there every day after work.” Fiona turned her shoulder toward him and gazed up at him through her eyelashes. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
