Page 39 of Scythe's Grasp

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Hell, I’m all the way a country girl. Put me in boots any day of the week, and I’m good, I definitely prefer to play in the mud than be in heels. However, I am a girl and do have a couple of pairs of high-heeled shoes and boots. But more often than not, I’ve got either flip-flops or cowboy boots on. Sometimes I’ll even have on a pair of Converse Chucks or HEYDUDE.

“You heard me, bitch. Thanks to you, they kicked me out on my ass. I had my eyes on being Scythe’s, and because of you, I’m out,” she snaps and shoves against my shoulder.

Stiffening, I level her with a glare. “I suggest you keep your hands to yourself and kindly leave this establishment.”

“Or what?” She smirks. “You won’t do anything. Just like you didn’t when I had my hands all over Scythe. You know he’s not going to be satisfied with just you. He’ll go for more. He likes his variety. You won’t be able to keep him, not after he uses up your snatch or gets bore —

I don’t let her finish that statement. I’ve had enough. Raising my hand, I slap Slick with the back of it, hard enough to make a smacking sound. It’s loud enough to fill the silence in the room. “You need to leave.”

“I don’t think so.” Slick rushes me, but I saw her coming and let instinct take over. Although I do what my mother says. Instead of continuing to make a scene, I take out the trash.

I grip Slick’s wrist, wrench her arm back, and frog-march her through the back and out of the building. She’s caused enough of a scene, I don’t need her to cause more. Releasing her, I shove her away from me. “Now leave before I decide to actually do some damage.”

Slick doesn’t take the hint and gets in my space. “Don’t worry, when you’re out of the way, I’ll be back in, and when I am, I’ll be sure I’m keeping Scythe’s bed warm.”

I don’t know what she means by that, but I glare, not backing down. “Don’t hold your breath. I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you are.”

I whirl around at the sound of the voice behind me, recognizing it instantly, and come face to face with the man who tried to take me. Who drugged me.

He moves quickly and presses a TASER against my body, causing jolts before everything goes dark. The last thing I hear is Slick laughing. Great. She was in on it all along.



My phone rings in my pocket, getting my attention. I decided while Josephine worked today, I’d lend a hand at the garage. I haven’t worked here in a bit. I normally handle the security side of shit and look into whatever it is we need to do. But I felt like getting my hands dirty. Keep myself occupied somewhat and not worry about Josephine.

She hasn’t been back to work, and with it being her first day at least with me at the garage, I’m closer than if I were at the clubhouse. I know she’s one tough woman, but I also get it’s been a lot for her recently. The two of us getting together. Her being drugged. Her losing her memories and regaining them. Us getting into it, and her figuring things out for herself.

It’s a lot for anyone, and I don’t like it. Not for her. I’d protect her from it if I could. Even if it makes me sound like I’m pussy whipped. That ain’t it.

Dropping the torque wrench, I wipe my hands on my pants leg and pull my phone out. Seeing that it’s the prospect watching Josephine, my gut tightens.

“What happened?” I demand soon as I answer.

“Fuck. Man. Fuck,” the prospect says, sounding freaked the hell out. “I don’t know what happened. I was doing what you wanted, Scythe.”

“Gremlin,” I snap, getting his attention. The kid was nineteen and started prospecting a little while after Azrael and Cerberus started prospecting and should be getting his patch soon. He’s a good kid with a good head on his shoulders. His past sucks, and I hate the shit he’s lived through, but he’s been good about putting in the work, never bitching about what we give him. If I’m not mistaken, he has dyslexia which makes it harder on him in some ways. “Just tell me what the hell happened.”

And Gremlin is nearly there.

Those around who hear me raise my voice stop what they’re doing and turn to look. I meet Harvester’s gaze and lift my free hand, motioning for him to round everyone up.

Want me to call Reaper?he mouths, and I nod in answer. I have a feeling what I’m about to hear is going to be another shitstorm.

“Don’t know how, but someone snuck up behind me. Think I was tased. Came to just in time to find Slick rounding the back of the salon,” he announces.


“I got her. Didn’t let her get away. From the smug look on her face, I think she knows something. I haven’t had the chance to go inside to see if Josephine’s in there because I figured it was pointless. If they took me out, then they’ve got her. Right?”

He isn’t fucking wrong.

“You said you’ve got Slick with you?” I clench my teeth together and hate that this shit is happening. A-fuckin’-gain.

“Yeah, I knocked her out and put her against the side of the building out of sight then called you.”
