Page 100 of Her Improper Desire

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Ember had to give her head a little shake to get rid of the ringing between her ears. "I'm with Prue. Sheikh Khadem asked me—-"

"Why the hell do you keep doing things that aren't part of your fucking job description?"

Ember stared at her phone with mixed feelings. Was this really what he wanted to talk about?

"Or has something changed," Ilyas snarled, "and I'm the only one who doesn't know you've suddenly gotten yourself on the entire royal family's payroll?"

Ember took a deep breath and decided to just play along for now. It wasn't the sheikh's style to pretend something like last night didn't happen. He must've had a good reason for doing so, and she was determined to find out once they were talking face to face.

In the meantime—-

"Good afternoon to you, too, Your Highness."

No, dammit,Ilyas wanted to snarl back. How could this afternoon be good when he had dreamed about playing with his secretary's nipples?

"Just find me as soon as you get back," Ilyas said tersely before hanging up. He really hadn't any work for Ember to do. All he knew was that he had this fucking need to see her, and as to what could happen after that, only time would be able to fucking tell.

Ember tried to make sense of the sheikh's actions on the ride back to the hotel. It really wasn't like Ilyas to sweep things under the rug like this. Could he have forgotten everything about last night because he had been drunk the entire time? Or was he only pretending not to remember anything because now that hewasn'tdrunk, Ilyas had realized he didn't really want to have anything to do with her?

Khadem was already waiting outside when they made it back to the hotel, and impatient as the sheikh was, he didn't even bother to wait for the chauffeur to open the door.

Prue could only gasp as her fiancé pulled her close for a kiss the moment she was out of the limousine, and by the time Khadem lifted his head, Prue could barely remember her name.

"I missed you," Khadem said gruffly.

Prue's toes curled hard. "I miss you, too," she whispered back, and the sheikh groaned.

"You're so fucking adorable—-"

Seeing that Khadem was about to kiss Prue again, Ember decided it was time to say goodbye. "May I be excused, Your Highness?"

A chagrined smile formed over Khadem's lips when he realized he had completely forgotten about Ilyas' secretary. "Yes, of course, and thank you again for doing this for me. I give you my word I won't make a habit of asking for favors—-"

"Oh, but it's really nothing—-"

"Not according to your boss," Khadem said with a grimace. "Ilyas nearly chewed my head off earlier, and he was right to do so. I should've asked him first, since you're unlikely to say no to any of us even when you're up to your neck with work."

"But I truly wasn't that busy—-"

"Ilyas predicted you'd say exactly that. He says you're too nice—-"

Ember was starting to feel embarrassed. "No, really, I'm not—-"

"I disagree," Prue said loyally. "You're incredibly nice, and Sheikh Ilyas is so lucky to have you—-"


Prue saw that her passionate tone had Ember and Khadem looking at her oddly, and she ended rather lamely, "—-as his secretary, is what I mean."

"I see." Khadem's tone, however, was more puzzled than convinced.

"Um, thanks?" And so did Ember.

Prue quickly stepped forward to give Ember a hug...andgive herself a chance to quickly change the subject. "Thank you for keeping me company. I really appreciate it."

Ember was properly distracted. "If you need anything," she said with a smile, "just let me know. Anyway, I should go now and look for my bosshole—-I mean, my handsome, kind boss," Ember hurriedly corrected herself.

