Page 118 of Her Improper Desire

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"Enough, damn you—-"


"No, damn you. You're not fucking different—-" Ilyas broke off when he saw the way his words had made Ember lose all color.

"Do you really believe I'm capable of betraying you? Or is it b-because—-"

Ilyas sucked his breath at the way Ember's voice suddenly broke. "Ember—-"

"Oh God."

And then it was Ember now who was taking a step back from him.

"It's because of where I c-came from, isn't it? Because I grew up the way I did, you t-think it's possible that I might end up being b-blinded by greed or ambition—-"

Ilyas could feel himself turning ashen at her words. She had once confided to him that her greatest insecurity was how she would never fit in his world, and that people would laugh athimbehind her back for employing someone like her: a nobody from Nowheresville who didn't even have a four-year degree to her name.

I don't really care about what people think of me,she had told him,but I don't think I'll be able to bear it if people were to laugh at you.

He remembered telling her that he didn't give a fuck about other people either, but his secretary had only shaken her head with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

'You might not, but I do. And if that day ever comes, I'm going to disappear just like this—-'

Ember had snapped her fingers to illustrate how she could vanish from his life in a blink, and it was this memory that made him realize—-

God, no.

He knew right away that he had made the biggest fucking mistake in his life.

I love her.

He had probably been in love with her from the very start, and that was why what she said was true.

She was different.Theywere different, and it was all because what they had was real.

There was no way he could ever fucking live without her, and he had to win her back before it was too late.

Ilyas reached for her, but Ember jumped back as if his touch could now break her.

And maybe...he already had.

He remembered Adam's words—-

Don't you see that she's already hurting because of you?

The words slashed at him, and desperation made him barely able to think straight. "Ember—-"

But she was already running out of the room, and seeing her leave was like a punch to his guts.


He caught her in moments, and Ember struck the side of his face as he forced her to face him.

"Let me go!"

"I'm sorry," he said hoarsely. "You were right. You were absolutely right. I was terrified that I'd make the same mistake and cause harm to the people I care most about. But you were right. I should've known you were different.We'redifferent—-"

"Stop it!"Tears were running down her face, and each drop was like a fucking stab to his heart. "I don't need you to lie just because you feel guilty for hurting me—-"
