Page 18 of Her Improper Desire

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I take a forkful of salad first...just so I can use my other hand to hide my phone under the table while testing.Don't call him! You win, okay?

Shall we start playing our little game then?

I have no idea what stupid game the sheikh has in mind—-

Let's start with a game of musical chairs. I want you to switch places with the boy.

But I'm certain it's going to be sick and twisted—-

I want to see the look on your face while you slowly open your legs in my direction and feel the air play with your sweet, virginal flesh.

And I'm right.

"Seven?" Hal looks at me, and I realize I still have my fork hanging mid-air. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, I just..." I just...I just can't think of an excuse so I simply blurt it out. "I just realized I'd like us to switch places?"

"Uh." Hal looks bemused, and I can't blame him. "Alright."

We switch places and swap plates, and as soon as I'm facing the sheikh's direction, his next message comes in.

Are you starting to get wet?

My gaze flies to his, and the moment I see the sheikh's lips start to curve, that's when I feel it.


I am wet, and it's all because of him, dammit.

I think you are.

Hal starts talking about work, and I struggle to answer coherently even as I keep getting wetter and wetter. But the moment I try to close my legs—-

Keep your legs open. I'm still not done enjoying the view.

And just like that, what's supposed to be a relaxing dinner with a friend becomes the longest night in hell. I do my best to enjoy my time with Hal, but with the sheikh's golden gaze devouring me from the next table, all I can think about is how I keep getting wetter and wetter between my legs.

Guilt and desire wars inside of me, and I'm torn between moaning and begging for Hal's forgiveness. Everything about this is so wickedly wrong, and I'm close to crying in relief when Hal finally pays for our check.

Oh, thank God!

In the corner of my eye, I see the sheikh calmly sipping his tea as Hal and I rise from our chairs.

"Can I take you a friend?"

"I'll have to say a friend."

Hal clutches his heart like I've stabbed him, and I can't help but laugh.

"If that's the case, Seven, then I guess I'll just have to say sorry—-"

"For what?"

He answers me in the next moment, with Hal's lips brushing over mine in a lightning-quick kiss.


Hal pulls back with a grin. "For that."
