Page 46 of Her Improper Desire

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Fuck, fuck, fuck!

He would know those golden braids anywhere, and Khadem nearly went blind with rage the moment he heard one of the boys speak.

"Let's play, babe."

Prue knew at that moment she was going to end up losing her virginity tofivemen if she didn't do something soon. She opened her mouth to scream, but before she could make any sound, Oily Jerk was already doing it for her.

He was screaming in pain as another man grabbed his hand, and Prue's lips parted in horror as she heard something crack. Was that his joint? His bones? All she knew was that Oily Jerk's arm was now bent at an odd angle, and he was being forced to go down on his knees by...


Prue started to cry. She was barely aware of Oily Jerk begging for mercy, barely noticed the other guys trying but failing to escape as what seemed like a private army of men in suits herded them back like readying cattle for slaughter.

All she could think of was thathehad come back for her, and as she watched him approach her through a veil of tears—-

That was when a sensual conflagration consumed her from within, and Prue knew her body had finally reached breaking point.

Do you want me to fuck you...or would you rather take your chances with another stranger?

It seemed like an eternity of misfortune had already passed since the last time Prue heardhimsay those words, and although she had originally turned him down—-

Hewas finally standing in front of her, and Prue could no longer control herself.

Khadem stiffened in shock when the girl suddenly threw herself in his arms, and he could only suck his breath as big, brown eyes stared up at him.


If she kept looking at him like that, he might end up giving her the fucking moon if that was what she wanted.

"Please don't let another stranger take me."

Did she just say—-


Khadem couldn't move fast enough when the girl suddenly started rubbing her body against his. He realized then and there that she was finally past her limit, and after barking out a command to his men in Huznan, Khadem didn't waste any time in taking her straight to his private room.

Prue cried out in protest when the stranger dumped her on the couch, and she was suddenly without the hard heat of his body.

No, no, no!

Khadem had just locked the door, and when he turned around to address the girl, it was to see her about to launch herself back into his arms.


She started rubbing her body against him yet again, and Khadem's gritted his teeth for control.

"Please, please, please..."

Seeing that there was no talking to her now, Khadem knew there was only one way to effectively bring the girl back to her senses.

Prue gasped in a mixture of shock and excitement when the stranger suddenly shifted their positions, and she now had her back against the door while her legs were still wrapped around his waist.

Blue eyes locked with hers...just as she felt his hand slip under her dress, and all Prue could do was moan as his fingers unerringly found her clit.


Since she had never touched herself there, pleasure shot straight to her brain at the feel of a man's thumb rubbing fast and hard on that stiff nub of flesh, and what made Prue feel like she was close to losing her mind was how he didn't stop staring at her at all.
