Page 51 of Her Improper Desire

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His name came out in a whimper, and just the sound of it on her lips was yet another sensual pleasure that had her trembling and burning from within.

"Say it again."

And so she did, and she saw his aqua-blue eyes gleam with satisfaction...just before his head bent, and his mouth took hers in a deep, hard kiss.

It's so good!

Prue curled her arms around his neck just as his tongue thrust past her lips. His taste was frighteningly masculine, and she couldn't get enough of it. She wanted more, more, more—-and she told him so.

"Please, Khadem."

Hearing Prue say his name as she begged for his kiss had Khadem's cock surging up and straining against his briefs. He wanted her so damn much that she could've asked for his life, and it would have been hers. There seemed no limit to his need for her, and so if she wanted more of his kisses, then by God, he would give it to her until every inch of her skin was marked by his lips.

Prue could only gasp as Khadem started sucking on her tongue. She dizzily recalled Klaus trying to do this to her once, but the wetness of his kiss had frightened and secretly repulsed her into rearing back, and Klaus had never tried to do it again.

But now...

Why did it feel so different when it was Khadem sucking on her tongue? Was it because of the drug that was still spreading lustful poison through her body? Or was it because Khadem was so much more skilled and experienced compared to Klaus?

She knew it wasn't right to compare the two men to each other, and that she had something to compare to felt like a sin in itself,

Khadem's mouth had abruptly left hers, but before she could protest at the loss of his kiss, she already felt his lips moving down her neck, and all she could do was whimper when he started sucking on a spot that was right next to her rapidly beating pulse.

Her head fell back, and her hands curved over his shoulders as he went on to suck and suck and suck like Dracula holding a helpless Lucy in his arms. That Lucy also had a fiancé didn't escape her drugged mind, but as eerie as the comparison was, she couldn't seem to make herself care.

Khadem was just too good at assuaging the heat that was still burning deep within her body, and when she felt his fingers reaching for the back of her dress, Prue found herself actually moaning as she heard him unzip her, and she even ended up helpfully wriggling out of her dress until she was down to her underwear.

Khadem pulled back to take a look at Prue. "Straighten your back," he ordered. "I want to see your tits standing proud."

It was Prue's first time to hear someone say such a thing in her presence, but the vulgarity of it somehow made her want him more, and she once again found herself obeying his command like his personal slave.

Her body trembled as she straightened her back, and she could feel her breasts swelling even more until they seemed like they were about to burst from his confines.

Khadem reached for her tits, and he could only groan in pleasure when they were even softer, firmer, and plumper than he had imagined. "Have you ever seen bread being made?"

She had a hard time concentrating on his question, with the way he was playing with her breasts. "Um..."

"It requires lots of kneading to be perfect," Khadem said huskily, "and while your titsareperfect, I bet they'd feel a lot better if I knead them..."

When she realized he was comparing her breasts tobreadof all things, her head jerked up, and it was then she saw the amusement in his gaze. He had been trying to make her laugh, and just a giggle bubbled past her lips, that was when he also started kneading her tits just like dough, and all Prue could do was moan and writhe.

I'm sorry, Klaus, but this feels too good!

Khadem's touch alternated between rough and tender, painful and gentle, and the fact that she couldn't quite guess what was next just made her tits ache more and more for his touch.

Her flesh felt more swollen than ever, and when he seemed content to just play with her breasts without doing anything else, Prue could no longer take it.

"Please, Khadem."

"What is it, my angel? What do you want?"

She wished she could tell him she was no angel. She never would be, after this night. But because her need superseded all her other thoughts, Prue could only concentrate on just one thing at that moment, and she soon found herself leaning towards him as she begged, "Please kiss my breasts."

His laugh was as sinful as it was beguiling, and it made her wonder yet again if this was the drug at work, and that was why she found everything he did and said so addictive. She wished there was a way for her to really know the truth, but until then—-


Khadem had unclipped the front clasp of her bra, and Prue whimpered as she watched the cotton cups fall to the side and her tits pop out to greet Khadem's hungry gaze. The whole thing felt so incredibly lewd, but before she could even feel ashamed about it, he was already doing as she had begged him to—-
