Page 79 of Her Improper Desire

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The sheikh liked to be all bark and no bite just to make it seem like his secretary hadn't gotten the upper hand, and it was why Ember was careful to keep her expression courteous as she carefully lowered the tray to the coffee table.

"Your coffee, Your Highness." Ember held out the sheikh's monogrammed cup...but quickly took a step back the moment he reached for it.

Ilyas cursed up a storm, but Ember simply waited for him to run out of expletives before smiling sweetly at the sheikh. "Your promise, Your Highness?"

"Damn you."

"That's not a promise."

"Yes, damn you," the sheikh growled. "I fucking promise."

Ember handed him the cup with flourish and breathed a sigh of relief when the sheikh's frown cleared after taking a sip.

As expected.

Now, there was only one thing left to do, and after taking his phone out of her pocket, Ember bowed deep as she offered his iPhone back with both hands.

"Your phone, O Great One."

"Stow it." Ilyas snatched the device out of her hold and shoved it back tohispocket.

Ember straightened up. "Do you need anything else, Your Highness?"

"Just drink your damn coffee."

Ember couldn't help grinning. "Yes, Your Highness."

"And stop grinning."

"Yes, Your Highness." Ember took a seat and worked hard to keep her expression blank as she watched her royal bosshole enjoy his coffee like he was modeling for a Starbucks Reserve ad.

Since the demon prince was notorious for being a workaholic and constantly on the move, it was rare to see him perfectly still like this, and just long enough to leave anyone staring at him mesmerized.

Anyone including her, unfortunately.

You are such an idiot, Ember Hallman!

Ember had never wanted to see the sheikh as a man. But the first time she had come to work for him, his dark good looks had left her brain-dead, and there were still instances even to this day that the sheikh's sheer gorgeousness made Ember catch her breath.

Unlike his brothers, whose silky black curls were rarely tamed, Ilyas was so much the controlling sort that even his own hair had to be bent to his will. Or in this case, slicked back and regularly trimmed for zero fuss.

Just looking at his hair could make her fingers itch, and whenever Ember's heart was being more idiotic than usual, she would find herself wondering if the day would ever come that she could just reach out and mess with his hair in any way—-

"Why are you staring at me?"

Ilyas' words had Ember crashing back to reality, and the wary look on her royal bosshole's face had her wanting to laugh and grimace even as she quickly thought up an excuse. "Um..." She pointed to the corner of his mouth. "You missed a drop."

The demon prince licked it off with his tongue, and Ember found herself wishing she could've been the one to lick it off—-

Stop thinking dirty thoughts about your boss, you fool!

Hours later, and Ember still wanted to kick herself in the head as she finished recounting the entire mortifying incident over a late-night Zoom call with her friend.

Francesca, however, simply couldn't stop laughing. "I warned you, didn't I?"

"Did I tell you how much I hate being told'I told you so'?"

"But I didn't say—-"
