Page 81 of Her Improper Desire

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Ilyas frowned. Had he just imagined that?

"Over here!"

A grimace crossed his features when he finally saw who it was, but since his choice was between Johanna and the gold-digger who was now heading his way like a piranha in heels, Ilyas decided to take his chances with Huzna's most famous fortune teller, never mind if the two of them had been butting heads since he was a kid.

The old woman cackled as Ilyas entered her "hut", which was actually an expensive replica of Johanna's home back in Huzna. The royal augur was very meticulous about her surroundings when reading people's fortunes, and since the king was a great believer of Johanna's skills, no expense had been spared in catering to the old woman's every need.

"Well, well, well..."

"Alright, fine. You were right again." Ilyas' tone was disgruntled. She had told him early this evening he would need her help, and it always irked him whenever her prediction came true.

Johanna waved for him to to take a seat, but Ilyas shook his head. "I'm only going to be—-"

The older woman shot him a scowl. "Sit."

Ilyas reluctantly did as bid, since respecting the elderly was one of the cornerstones of Huznan culture.

"Your palm, please."

"There's no need—-"

He hadn't even finished speaking when Johanna suddenly reached over her silk-covered table to capture his hand.

"Let go," Ilyas growled.

But the fortune teller was already using her nail to draw blood from his finger—-

"What the fuck?"

—-just before spitting on his palm.

Ilyas fought against the urge of driving his fist into the hut's fake wall. "You did that deliberately just to mess with me, didn't you?"


Ilyas's teeth gnashed. "You—-"

"Or I'll spit on your face next!"

Ilyas' mouth snapped shut. Johanna was a lot of things, but a liar she wasn't, and he had no fucking dreams of having another taste of her spit.

Johanna clucked her tongue as she studied the life lines etched on the sheikh's palm. "Beware a kitten that cries, for life as you know it will never be the same once its claws find their way to your heart."

Ilyas snatched his hand out of the old woman's hold. He had no idea what Johanna was talking about, and he had no plans asking what it meant.

The fortune teller grinned up at him as he came to his feet. "You're right, by the way."

Ilyas was in the middle of wiping the spit off his hand with a hanky when he heard her speak. "Right about what?"

"About that." She pointed to his hand with another cackle. "Itwasunnecessary, and I only did it to mess with you."

"Goddammit, old bat!"

Johanna was still cackling with glee as he stalked out of her hut, and it took him half an hour and about a dozen cycles of soaping and rinsing before Ilyas felt his hands were sufficiently clean of her spit.

The staff had just started serving dessert when Ilyas received a business call, and he didn't hesitate to use this as an excuse to leave the party earlier than planned.
