Page 99 of Fake and Don't Tell

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“More than anything.”

When Cyrus pulled me into his arms, his hands cupped my ass and he kissed me like my family wasn’t watching. His heart thudded against mine. “You’re marrying me.”

I lifted my face to the cold drizzle and pretended to think about it. “I guess. If I’m not busy that day.”

He lifted a brow at me. “Say it, Poppy.”

“Fine! I’ll marry you!”

Cheers erupted from the canoe gallery and my family came out of hiding to congratulate us. The rain was shut off, but as soon as I pouted about it, Cyrus shouted for it to be cut back on. Only, the bucket method came out again and I only managed to not drown by hiding under Cyrus’s arms.

“You’re in so much trouble later.” He moved me out of the water and smiled down at me. “Aren’t you curious about why we waited until tonight to do this?”

I looked at my family and scowled a little. “Yeah, I am. You guys left me trapped with Bonnie and Kaitlyn all day. That was so messed up.”

Jude tugged me into his arms and kissed me again. “We all would’ve been happy to get married all those years ago, Poppy, but we wanted you to have time to do what you wanted and live however you wanted. You used to talk about how you didn’t want to get married until you had your career sorted out.”

Sam wrapped his hand around mine. “A little bit of gossip reached us last week, via Jude’s lawyer. Faraday is sending you an offer. They want you to design a line of furniture. Sold in their warehouses, on the showroom floors.”

While my mouth hung open and tears filled my eyes at the job, their thoughtfulness, Cyrus cleared his throat. “We’re so fucking proud of you, Poppy. You’ve made it. You’re going to be a household name for the art you create out of simple pieces of wood, baby. And we just want to go along for the ride with you. As your husbands.”

“Stop! Wait!” Mom’s voice was panicked as she came running from the house.

I rested my head on Cyrus’s chest and took a personal moment of peace, even if the world was loud around me. “I’ve never been so happy.”

“I can’t believe none of you waited on me! I’m going to murder every one of you, except for Poppy.” Mom was breathing hard when she reached me, but she just grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. “My baby! My favorite baby!”

I laughed at the sound of my brothers’ groaning. “Where were you, Mom? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You missed the guys proposing!”

Mom pressed a small box in my hands. “I had to get something, Poppy Jo. It was important.”

“Jesus! We forgot the rings. Where’d you put the rings?”

The guys were arguing behind me and my family was celebrating around me, but that all faded as I looked into the box Mom handed me. Nestled in velvet was a thin gold bracelet with a single charm that just readMom.

Mom grabbed my hands and held me closer. “It was positive, honey.”

I felt my world expand immediately and cried while resting my hand over my stomach. I was going to have a baby with my best friends. I was making a little life inside me and we were going to spend forever loving and caring for them. All because I’d asked for a fake date.

“Tell your men, Poppy.” Mom pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “Fast, too. I’ve got a celebration ice cream cake up my shirt right now and if I don’t get it out soon, we’ll be having milkshakes.”

“We found the rings!” Sam slapped Jude’s arm. “I can’t believe you let us forget the rings. That’s your area, man.”

“You’re both getting on my nerves. It’s cold as shit and my nipples are poking out at everyone and I’m feeling very exposed.” Cyrus’s words broke through my shock and I turned to them with my whole heart on my sleeve.

They all froze when they saw my tears and huddled around me. I finally got to say the words I’d been dying to say to them every day for the past year.

“I’m pregnant.”

