Page 3 of Odin

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I look over at my mother once again. This one is problem number fifty: pretty mother bitch who always tells me I’m a huge god damned disappointment.

“Yeah, what can Ander do to help me?” I make sure to emphasize the me part, so she knows we are not in this together. I might have brought trouble to their door but this is all me. No one else is going to take the heat or step in to save me. I also make a point to use Leander’s nickname. She hates when I am so casual and do something so personal as use a name his mother and father didn’t choose for him.

“Well, it would seem that he’s part of a very successful…club.” A lie. What is a ‘part’ of that she doesn’t want to talk about? “The president of it even.”

What ‘club’ could Ander be a part of that would make him a president? Especially with his past? But instead of asking questions I know she will never answer for me I do what I do best. I listen to what she isn’t telling me.


“SO, young lady, he has agreed to take you and keep you safe. And offer us protection as well.”

Ah, so that is the reason this is a conversation at all. He’s promised to take care of them. Well, ain’t he just a white knight.

Still…the way she says it makes the hairs on the back of my neck do something odd and I focus in on that.

“Take me?” Yeah, I shouldn’t use that particular wording because it does weird things to parts of my body to think of Ander taking me…pretty much in any way. “Take me where? What does he want in return?”

No one does something just because they are good people. I stopped believing in that fairy tale early in my life.


Oh shit! This can’t be good. I tense up at the price that’s about to be laid out for my safety.

“He…wants you.”

Me? What does that mean? Before I can ask Ander steps in the doorway, causing me to jump. This is Ander? This…beast of a man?

My mom continues like nothing has happened, like a big, angry monster hasn’t just stepped through the door. “And we’ve decided to give him what he wants.”

Chapter Three




The little princess hasn’t ‘grown’ up very much. She’s still tiny like a little fairy queen. Should be easy to put her where I want her when I want her. I fight back the urge to rush to her when she pales so much, I think she might faint.

“The wedding is set for Friday.” Her mother looks her up and down with a disapproving glare. “I do hope you have something appropriate in white as a lot of our friends will be there.”

“I…you…can’t. This isn’t right. You can’t force me to marry someone.” She looks to me like I might say something to help her, but I remain closed-lipped with my arms crossed over my chest. “This is archaic! I won’t do it. I refuse! You can’t make me do this!”

Now I smile and give her a little chuckle. She’ll soon learn there’s a lot I can do that she thinks I can’t.

“This isn’t how things are done in the real world, Mother. People don’t just give over their daughters like it’s a business merger. This isn’t how it’s done!”

“You’re in my world now, little girl.”

The first words I speak to her after seeing her again after all this time…and she faints. I get to her before she hits the floor and hold her in my arms.

“Oh thank God you caught her. I wouldn’t want her to chip a tooth right before her wedding.”


“That would just be inconsiderate of her, wouldn’t it?”

She gives me a tight smile clearly telling me she isn't sure if I am making fun of her or being serious.
