Page 64 of Savage Intent

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One thing that has come from this meeting is that I'm now confident that Marco is a good addition to our group. He's smart, able to dissect a situation and determine the consequences of each choice. He's very analytical, and that's a good trait to have in this lifestyle, where that one calculation can save your ass.

That’s even more proof that Dracos is an imbecile. He could've easily taken advantage of that, training his son to take the reins and be more successful. Weak mindedness made Dracos see his own flesh and blood as a threat.

Right now, we're discussing using Marco as a Trojan horse of sorts. That would enable us to slip through the Dracos’ security. It's a great plan with merit. I'm dragging my feet, reluctant because I know that Melina would be devastated if something happened to Marco. I need to make sure that doesn't happen. It's not lost on me how new it is to take another's feelings into account, but she's important to me, so I'm making the effort.

"You're quiet over there, Boss," Marco says.

A ghost of a smile moves over my lips. He's showing me respect.I like it. Some in his position might be resentful, especially considering the fact he's older than I am. I haven't seen a sign of that from him, although I'm closely monitoring it. I don't know him well enough yet. There's every chance in the world he's playing a game just for his survival. I can't hand out trust blindly.

“I’m quiet because I'd rather be surprising my wife at her party, but I’m giving her time with her friends instead,” I answer honestly.

"I'm going after the meeting," Marco says. "I'll let you know how she is."

"Oh, that's right. You have a fiancée to meet. How long has it been since you've seen her? You can ask Antonio to make sure he puts you in a bedroom in the far wing so you can play catch up," Niko jokes.

Niko knows damn well I keep the guest rooms far away from my own. Trust issues and being private means, they've never been used. Letting Melina’s friend stay here—along with her brother—is a form of me trying to be better for her. I need her to know she belongs here. I want her to feel that this house is hers—because it is.

Marco rubs the back of his neck—looking very uncomfortable. "I've never seen Helena face to face. I’ve only seen pictures that her father sent with the contract," he confesses.

"Why in the hell not?" Victorio asks.

"Because she didn't turn twenty-one until a week ago."

"Well, that's a scenario I’m familiar with," Niko grunts. "Thank God I'm not back to living in those days."

Marco runs a hand through his hair, betraying his frustration. He will have to work on his micro expressions. Seeing his emotions right on the surface makes me feel a little sorry for the poor bastard.

"Your sister told me she was twenty-four when we met.”

Marco frowns. "Why did she lie to you?"

"I have no idea," I shrug. "But I can tell you one thing."

'What's that?" Marco asks.

“I wouldn't stay away from her as you have. If you're old enough to purchase alcohol at eighteen in Greece, then you're old enough to be claimed by your man.” Marco scowls at me as I shrug. "I told Victorio, and I'll tell you. A woman wants a man. Be who you are. If she doesn't like it, then move on. At least then, she'll respect you. Hell, you'll respect yourself."

Marco sighs. "You have a fair point. But I have one question."

"What?" I ask, curious if my words are sinking in.

"You talk a good game, but if that's the way you feel, why are you staying away from the party tonight? You say be who you are, but it seems you aren't practicing what you preach."

Everyone seems to wait silently, watching to see how I will react until I bark out a laugh. "You're going to be a thorn in my side, just like Niko and Victorio, aren’t you?" I groan, making them all laugh. "Fine. Let's get this over with so we can go check on our women."

I look around the room with an ache in my heart. I know Maxwell would love to be here tonight, but even though I miss him, this is the first time since his death that things have felt normal. I know my old friend. He would be happy for me. He would've loved Melina. I’m going to do everything I can to not disappoint Maxwell and my father. I want them both to be proud.

"I'm for that," Niko says as my phone's ring tone cuts through the air.

Zane's name flashes on my screen. I smirk, wondering if my girl is already so drunk that I need to pick her up and bring her home early.

"Zane, what—" My stomach drops when I hear the chaos on the other line.

"Boss, listen—” Static blooms across the connection as if his signal is weak. “We're under attack. We're holding them off, but there are at least fifteen…” It cuts off again and my heart beats hard against my chest.


“They have assault rifles.”
