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Tom winks and takes her hand right in front of my face. “Pleasure to meet you, Mel.”

“For fuck’s sake,” I groan, knowing exactly where this is going and wishing they would just get on with it and fuck in the backseat so I can get my ass to work.

Mel looks up at me, practically in my lap. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Gi,” she says, her gaze flicking back to Tom’s. “He seems perfectly perfect.”

“Ugh,” I mutter, the frustration burning me up. She was more than happy to bitch about him all day yesterday before she realized he has a jaw that could cut through glass and eyes that have women’s legs opening all over the world. “You couldn’t be more wrong.”

Tom cuts into our conversation. “Are you aware you were speeding, Gigi?” he questions.


“No, I wasn’t, actually,” I say, glancing up at him. “I was certain I was going the speed limit. Do you have proof that I was speeding?”

“I do.”

“And you’re positive your equipment isn’t faulty?” I ask, momentarily saying a prayer for Logan’s broken equipment. Though from the sound of it, Elle certainly had no complaints.

Tom sighs, clearly knowing I’m more than prepared to give him a hard time, especially after spending all of Saturday with him glaring daggers at me for no apparent reason. Though to be fair, he probably thought I was helping Sean cheat on his wife. “Are you aware that speeding is an offense?” he questions further.

Well duh. I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes as I turn to the man who so clearly despises me. “Look, Tom, you and I both know that I’m not driving away without a ticket. You made it very clear that’s just the kind of man you are. So can we get on with it? Unlike you who would prefer to spend his morning pulling over random girls on the highway, we have actual lives to save.”

His lips press into a tight line. “I don’t like you, Gigi,” he states.

“No shit,” I grunt. “You made that perfectly clear on Saturday. But you know what? I don’t care. You decided you didn’t want to like me before you even gave me a chance, and that’s your loss because I’m fucking awesome.”

“She really is,” Mel cuts in.

“Besides, it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. And honestly, that’s really not the kind of person I care to have taking up room in my life.”

“You don’t know a damn thing about the kind of person I am.”

“I’m more than happy to keep it that way,” I tell him, probably digging myself a deeper hole, but what does it matter? It’s not like I’m ever going to see him again. Though, I can only imagine what this ticket is going to look like. “Can we get this shit wrapped up?”

Tom smirks at me before holding his hand out. “License and registration.”


I hand over what he needs and after taking his sweet time, he shoves them back through the window before slowly turning on his heel and dawdling back to his cruiser, getting on my last nerve. I probably deserve it. I’m being a complete bitch, but it’s not as though he’s being the poster boy for kindness. He started this shit on Saturday. I’m only finishing it. Though, I don’t exactly know how I’m going to finish it seeing as he’s the one who’ll get the last word when he hands me the ticket.

Tom takes his sweet time, preparing my ticket before appearing back at my window. His eyes meet Mel’s across the car and he sends her a wink that any girl would fall for. She eats it up, and I realize he’ll be in my apartment tonight. Fucking perfect. Looks like I’ll be going out.

He reaches across me, not giving a shit about my personal space, and hands Mel a piece of paper before thrusting my ticket in my face. “Keep away from Sean. He doesn’t need this shit.”

“No fucking problem,” I scoff.

Tom struts away like he’s king shit, and I look down at my ticket. Fuck, two hundred and sixty dollars. Great.

I throw the ticket in the backseat to get lost among the other shit in my car and get back on the highway. “Don’t you dare call that jerk,” I warn Mel, who’s already programming his number into her phone.

“Jesus, woman. What’s crawled up your ass this morning? You were a complete bitch. Do you have your period?”

“No,” I snap, wondering if I should take offense to that. “He was a jerk on Saturday and besides, he deserved it with his little arrogant attitude and smirk. I woke up this morning with a promise that this whole Sean bullshit was in the past, and BAM, there’s his best friend pulling me over. It’s like the universe is laughing in my face.”
